I'm having trouble understanding your use case still, I think - and you are 
disregarding the general pattern that child poms are found nested under their 
parent; however, from your description, I don't see why this wouldn't work. Can 
you make a small sample project that displays the problematic behavior and post 
it somewhere?

On May 24, 2013, at 10:07 AM, Mike Wilson <mike...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> There are many variations, but here is a simplification of our 
> own scenario:
> 1) Consider a number of standalone modules with their own
> release cycles in their own VCS repos:
>  parent/ [vcs0]
>    pom.xml (1.0.0)
>  module1/ [vcs1]
>    pom.xml (1.1.0, parent=parent-1.0.0)
>  module2/ [vcs2]
>  ...
> 2) Team 1 is updating module1 in feature branch f1:
>  module1/ [vcs1]
>    pom.xml (1.2.0-f1-SNAPSHOT, parent=parent-1.0.0)
> They want to refer to the pre-built released parent from repo.
> 3) Team 2 is updating module1 and the parent in feature 
> branch f2. They have aggregated all modules they are 
> working on in a feature workspace pom for easy building:
>  feature2workspace/ [aggregation root]
>    pom.xml (modules=parent,module1)
>    parent/ [vcs0]
>      pom.xml (1.1.0-f2-SNAPSHOT)
>    module1/ [vcs1]
>      pom.xml (1.2.0-f2-SNAPSHOT, parent=parent-1.1.0-f2-SNAPSHOT)
> They want to refer to the local checkout of parent.
> As you can see, module1 can not make any assumption about 
> what filesystem directory the parent module resides in, so no
> relativePath element can be added.
> In Maven 2 there is success when building the feature workspace
> from root, but Maven 3 fails.
> To get it working in Maven 3 we either have to maintain 
> relativePath elements that are different for every feature-branch 
> (and deal with them when merging back into main = error-prone), 
> or manually have to deal with build order within the feature
> workspace.
> In reality our case is made up of hundreds of standalone modules
> and parent/sub-repos used for the aggregation level, representing
> a feature or team branch where the root pom.xml is thus
> shared between team members through the parent repo.
> Best regards
> Mike
> Russell Gold wrote:
>> Only the developers could say for sure, but I would guess 
>> that it was done as part of code cleanup - that it's not so 
>> much that they wanted to remove the feature as it was that 
>> cleaning up the code might have made it hard to support the 
>> feature - and there was no particular reason to keep it. But 
>> that's just a guess. I am not on the development team and 
>> haven't studied the code changes.
>> So I'll ask more specifically. Why do you think such a use 
>> case is needed? Under what conditions would a parent be part 
>> of a project and yet its location could not be known to the 
>> rest of the project?
>> Regards,
>> Russ
>> On May 23, 2013, at 5:05 PM, Mike Wilson <mike...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to make the point that Maven 2 had the expected
>>> behaviour, and Maven 3 changed that into something less 
>>> good. As far as I can read the motivation, it seems to have 
>>> been done for the wrong reason.
>>> But it's quite likely I'm missing something, and that a 
>>> better motivation may be found outside the compatibility 
>>> notes.
>>> So, what is the main advantage with having Maven not look 
>>> for parent modules in the reactor list?
>>> Is there any advantage [for the user] at all?
>>> Best regards
>>> Mike
>>> [I'm posting to the users list to avoid disturbing the dev 
>>> list in case I've missed something obvious]
>>> Russell Gold wrote:
>>>> I'd think this would be better suited for the maven 
>> developers list. 
>>>> But it seems to me that in the case where modules are not 
>>>> supposed to know where their parents are located, the working 
>>>> assumption is that the parent is already in the repo and 
>>>> built separately.
>>>> That is, there are two cases:
>>>> 1) Parent is part of the project. In this case, it is more 
>>>> than reasonable for the modules to use the relative-path 
>>>> mechanism to find their parents.
>>>> 2) Parent is independent of the project. In this case, the 
>>>> parent should already be in the repo before doing a build 
>>>> which includes the modules.
>>>> I don't understand your use case, which appears to be neither 
>>>> of these. 
>>>> On May 23, 2013, at 9:20 AM, Mike Wilson 
>> <mike...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> [Note: this entire post deals with project layouts where it is 
>>>>> undesired for modules to know in what filesystem directory their
>>>>> parent module resides. This rules out relying on Maven parent 
>>>>> found in parent directory or through the relativePath element.]
>>>>> Maven 3 will throw a "Non-resolvable parent POM" error the first
>>>>> time this project layout is built, even when built from the 
>>>>> aggregation root:
>>>>> app/
>>>>>  pom.xml (modules=parent,submodule)
>>>>>  parent/
>>>>>    pom.xml
>>>>>  submodule/
>>>>>    pom.xml (parent=parent)
>>>>> Maven 2 will succeed, as it is using the reactor to locate parent
>>>>> modules in the local checkout, just as is done for dependencies.
>>>>> Maven 3 on purpose no longer uses the reactor for parents, but
>>>>> still uses it for dependencies. The motivation can be studied
>>>>> in [1] but boils down to that modules that build successfully as
>>>>> part of a reactor build, could fail when built by itself without
>>>>> having manually built the parent first, so it is better to always 
>>>>> fail.
>>>>> Thus, in summary when a module refers to a dependency or parent
>>>>> within the local checkout, we will see this behaviour:
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> MAVEN 2    referral type     dependency         parent
>>>>>              build type   reactor single   reactor single
>>>>>                           ------- -------  ------- -------
>>>>> referred not in repo       SUCCESS  FAIL    SUCCESS  FAIL
>>>>> referred already in repo   SUCCESS SUCCESS  SUCCESS SUCCESS
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> MAVEN 3    referral type     dependency         parent
>>>>>              build type   reactor single   reactor single
>>>>>                           ------- -------  ------- -------
>>>>> referred not in repo       SUCCESS  FAIL     FAIL    FAIL
>>>>> referred already in repo   SUCCESS SUCCESS  SUCCESS SUCCESS
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> I question this judgement, because:
>>>>> a) It violates the principle of least surprise [2], as a module
>>>>> taking part in the reactor build is left out of some module
>>>>> resolutions (parent) but included in some (dependencies).
>>>>> b) The reasoning in [1] is either wrong, or only halfway done, 
>>>>> depending on how you see it.
>>>>> The motivation given is to avoid different outcome for reactor 
>>>>> and single module builds. But the difference in outcome still 
>>>>> exists wrt dependencies and this violates both the given 
>>>>> motivation and [2]. 
>>>>> So, to fulfill the goal, the same behaviour should be enforced 
>>>>> for dependencies, ie failing aggregator builds when dependencies 
>>>>> only exist in the local checkout.
>>>>> That would create a consistent experience but would of course be 
>>>>> undoable. 
>>>>> c) For a number of project layouts the Maven 3 behaviour forces 
>>>>> the developer (or Jenkins setups etc) to manually handle the 
>>>>> build order of artefacts within a Maven aggregation, something 
>>>>> that Maven normally should take care of.
>>>>> I propose to revert to the Maven 2 behaviour in this respect.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Mike Wilson
>>>>> [1]
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/MAVEN/maven-3x-compatibility-notes.ht
>>>> ml#Maven3.xCom
>>>>> patibilityNotes-ParentPOMResolution
>>>>> [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_astonishment
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