
I tried the workaround (release plugin 2.4.2 + maven-scm-provider-gitexe
1.8.1) without success, still messing up releases with snapshot versions.
I'm on git

Am I missing something else ?
Here is my parent pom with the release profile I use if this can help:


2013/12/26 Mark Derricutt <m...@talios.com>

> You're correct - 1.8.1 is not related to Git 1.8, however it is the latest
> release - and a fix that SUPPORTS Git 1.8 was actually released back in
> something like scm-provider 1.5 earlier in the year - only the Maven
> Release Plugin DOES NOT USE IT.
> We should really have a new release of m-r-p that forces the use of
> current scm-providers cause I can see this problem only increasing as more
> people a) upgrade git or b) move to git and get pissed off with maven+git
> This work around works, but really - goes against convention over
> configuration.
> On 27 Dec 2013, at 1:43, Robert Scholte wrote:
> > I don't think this will fix the issue.
> >
> > SCM 1.8.1[1] is not related to GIT 1.8.x
> >
> > It's a coincidence that the most recent version of SVN, GIT and SCM are
> all 1.8.x
> >
> > Robert

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