
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the
Exec Maven Plugin version 1.3.

The plugin provides 2 goals to help execute system and Java programs.


To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes:


 [MEXEC-86] - outputFile support for capturing exec not functional
 [MEXEC-104] - Cannot pass empty argument to exec goal.
 [MEXEC-105] - %classpath is fragile when used with <commandlineArgs>
 [MEXEC-108] - NPE at EnvironmentUtils.toStrings()


 [MEXEC-66] - ability to add custom classpath together
              with %classpath placeholder
 [MEXEC-73] - add configuration for adding additional
              directories to project classpath
 [MEXEC-93] - Exec plugin not marked as @threadSafe
 [MEXEC-107] - Drop @execute phase="validate" from ExecJavaMojo
 [MEXEC-119] - At position of argument to "Misconfigured
               argument, value is null" message
 [MEXEC-122] - Run integration test only by using the profile run-its
 [MEXEC-123] - use java 5 plexus annotations
 [MEXEC-125] - Upgrade Plugin Required Maven Version to 2.2.1
 [MEXEC-129] - provided scope for maven-plugin-annotation
 [MEXEC-130] - @threadSafe
 [MEXEC-131] - commons-exec upgrade to 1.2
 [MEXEC-133] - Upgrade to mojo-parent v:33


 [MEXEC-101] - Migrate plugin to JDK5


 [MEXEC-126] - Bring back Maven 2.0.11 Compatibility


The Mojo team.

Karl-Heinz Marbaise

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