
Yes, it's expected behaviour: forking happens when preparing the plugin, 
before running report generation. Skip happens at the beginning of report 
generation, just to not do it.

Notice the situation will get better with m-site-p 3.4, with 
http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSITE-454 fixed (and see related issues, 
particularly MJAVADOC-171 with precise figures about the problem across 
different versions of plugins): the count of forked execution caused by 
aggregated poms will reduce



Le lundi 16 juin 2014 12:20:05 Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :
> Hello All,
> I'm currently observing weird behavior
> I'm executing javadoc plugin (goals: javadoc, aggregate) during my build
> which provokes forking.
> That is expected
> Now I'm skipping execution of javadoc (using <skip>true</skip> but,
> surprisingly, Forking still happens :(
> Maybe anyone knows if it is expected behavior or not? Maybe there are
> workarounds for this?

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