On 9 October 2014 14:01, Robert Mark Bram <robertmarkb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Well the question you really will want to know is:
> >
> > "do I want any other modules to depend on the integration tests being
> > successful?"
> The Hatter opened his eyes very wide on hearing this; but all he said
> was, "Why is a mvn like a writing-desk?"
> > If the answer is "no" then you will just configure the integration test
> > module with
> >
> <plugin><artifactId>maven-deploy-plugin</artifactId></configuration><skip>true</skip></configuration></plugin>
> Thanks again Stephen - nail, head and hammer. In my case, I have
> nothing else depending on the Selenium project.
> > If the answer is "yes" then you will most likely need to deploy something
> > (<packaging>pom</packaging>) and that may require adding the missing
> > bindings into the lifecycle.
> Let me see if I understand this (though it isn't my case right now).
> If I wanted to trigger something else based upon the Selenium tests
> successful completion, I should have the Selenium POM use a deploy
> phase so that some other project could depend on that artifact in the
> same way that my Selenium POM is depending on an EAR being deployed?
>    <dependency>
>       <groupId>${project.groupId}</groupId>
>       <artifactId>FooProject-ADF</artifactId>
>       <version>1.0</version>
>       <type>ear</type>
>    </dependency>
> If you are saying this, and I use <packaging>pom</packaging>, what
> exactly would the Selenium project deploy?
just the pom file.

and that way if the integration tests' pom was not deployed to the repo
then on another machine you will be unable to build the separate project
that required that the integration tests ran.

The case here is rather advanced and typically where you need to build
different packagings on different machines... think windows installer and
deb and rpm which all depend on the .ear

> Rob
> :)
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