I'm trying to figure out why Maven is choosing a 3rd party repo defined in
my settings xml BEFORE trying to search in our internal Nexus repo.

My settings xml has the following profile which is set as the active one.


        <id>ZK EE</id>

        <id>zk repository</id>




My project's pom does not have any repositories specified. I tried messing
with the order of the repositories above (flipping them around different
ways) but it always seems to go after one of the ZK ones first:




(769 B at 2.5 KB/sec)

[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata
com.ncs:ncs-data-domain:1.12-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to ZK EE (
https://maven.zkoss.org/repo/zk/ee): Connection to https://maven.zkoss.org

[WARNING] Failure to transfer
com.ncs:ncs-data-domain:1.12-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from
https://maven.zkoss.org/repo/zk/ee was cached in the local repository,
resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of ZK EE has
elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata
com.ncs:ncs-data-domain:1.12-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to ZK EE (
https://maven.zkoss.org/repo/zk/ee): Connection to https://maven.zkoss.org

Of course it found ncs-data-domain in the 3rd attempt above (form nexus)
but why does it always try the maven ones first?

Even when I switch the order around it's trying zk-ee FIRST.

Very frustrating and can't find any documentation on it.

(Note, if you're wondering why I didn't put this 3rd party repo in Nexus, I
tried but it was complaining about unable to work with it.. forgot the
exact error.. it has to be authenticated with a username and password and I
tried adding that to nexus as well, but was having trouble so I left the
definition in my settings.xml)

Rick R

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