> Just on a side note, eclipse m2e pom editor does have an autocomplete for
> plugin configuration based on the plugin descriptor and the classes that
> are used.
> +1 to namespace support though, since it could be used to provide
> autocomplete for parts that cannot be deduced by looking at the model
> (xpp3dom elements, maps, etc.)

That's true for IDEA as well. Autocompletion works nicely on top-level
configuration elements, however for nested structures like lists and
maps it doesn't work so well. I.e. deducing the element name of a
list-element it e.g. not possible by an IDE since in Maven afaik any
name is allowed for a list-element's tag. In my case
(docker-maven-plugin) I have configuration which is nested up to four
levels. That's one of the reason wgy I'm looking for IDE support here
(which as I said seems to work only on the top-level in IDEA).

How is the situation in Eclipse ? Is it possible to do autocompletion on
list elements (and their @Parameter), too ?

In general I have the feeling that support for XSD based autocompletion
is much more matured in IDEs.

... roland

> 2016-06-05 12:32 GMT+03:00 Stian Soiland-Reyes <st...@apache.org>:
>> +1 to ALLOW (but not require) the second use case of <configuration
>> xmlns=..>, this let you have autocomplete say in Eclipse's XML editor.
>> However I believe a xsi schemalocation would then still be needed per
>> plugin unless a catalogue is accessible out of bands, so it would still be
>> a bit verbose.
>> (I never understood why the default xsi schemalocation can't be the
>> namespace)
>> On 5 Jun 2016 8:38 a.m., "Roland Huss" <roland.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Do you really think introducing XML namespaces would make the handling
>>>> of the pom better ? In particular if you have a separate namespace for
>>>> every plugin? (At apache maven project we have 49 plugins ? This would
>>>> mean in consequence 49 namespaces? And at mojohaus there are about
>>>> another 50 plugins? So this means having to use the configuration
>>>> parameters for all the plugins and on top you need to do namespace
>>>> configuration in your pom file? I'm the opinion this would make things
>>>> worse than better...(There are some things which are better)...
>>> I don't request to *require* the use of namespaces, but not to break if
>>> a namespace is used. It would be competely sufficient when Maven would
>>> ignore namespaces. The <configuration> element is specified having a
>>> <xs:any> content anyway.
>>> BTW, you don't have to specify the namespace on top, but can do at
>>> directly on the enclosing element itself.
>>> Here's my use case: I'm writing a Maven plugin which has an XSD for its
>>> configuration. This is useful for rich autocompletion and inline
>>> documentation tooltips in a decent IDE.
>>> There are two ways how you could use this xsd:
>>> * You can declare a namespace with prefix in the preamble of your
>>> pom.xml but then have to use the prefix for all your configuration
>>> options (which is quite a lot in my use case). You are not required to
>>> use a namespace, though (because of the <xs:any> type of a configuration)
>>> * Or, the better, more elegant way is to switch to the default namespace
>>> to your plugin int the <configuration> element :
>>> <project xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>>>          xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";
>>>          xsi:schemaLocation="....">
>>> ...
>>>     <plugin>
>>>        ....
>>>        <m:configuration
>>>             xmlns:m="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";
>>>             xmlns="https://myplugin.org/v1";>
>>>           <myOption>bla</myOption>
>>>            ....
>>>        </m:configuration>
>>>     </plugin>
>>> ...
>>> </project>
>>> Both usage patterns are currently broken in Maven 3.3.9
>>>> In general pom changes in any way could only become part of pom model 5
>>>> (Maven 4/5 in line)  cause it would break to many things...You can take
>>>> a deep look into the jira for Maven 4..
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12316922&version=12330198
>>> There is no change in the pom syntax required at all (i.e. the Schema is
>>> exactly the same as defined in http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0), its
>>> only about the proper XML parsing of a pom model 4 with namespaces
>>> (which btw each decent XML parser is capable of).
>>> But even then, is the document
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/Moving+forward+with+the+POM+data+model
>>> obsolete /wrt to XML namespaces ? Or what is the status of namespace
>>> support for the next major Maven version ? (sorry, couldn't find any
>>> information about this).
>>> cheers ...
>>> ... roland
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Karl Heinz Marbaise
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