Am 07/02/16 um 23:18 schrieb Karl Heinz Marbaise:
> Hi,
> On 7/2/16 2:06 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:
> ....
>  >So we need to figure out a way to deliver the new behavior while 
> preserving
>  >the old for a time being. Maybe a branch,
>  > but I think the best way to do it is to have both behaviors exist in the
>  > same codebase and turn on what we considered corrected behavior
>  > with feature toggles.
>  > Users can opt in early if they want to see the potential benefit
>  > but it won’t affect users adversely or unintentionally.
>  >Eventually over time the new behavior becomes the default and the old 
> behavior
>  > can be toggled for the stragglers.
> I have implemented as an example feature toggles as module via 
> MNG-6056[1] (on a branch) which makes all this possible.
> So you can use things like:
> --activate-features MNG9991,MNG9992

I am all for active by default and giving a chance to disable things if
needed. We do want the "features" to be active and we do want users to
notice there is an issue they need to fix. They can disable things if
needed then but it's them who need to handle that and who need to know
why they need to disable a feature and what to do about it. Not
activating things by default makes no sense in my opinion.
--activate-features list,of,twenty,issues after a few releases. Nobody
wants that. We want --deactivate-features list,


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