Am 07/06/16 um 15:08 schrieb Jason van Zyl:
> Feature toggles, as the practice has been for many years, has the user being 
> conscious of what they are doing. The feature may prove to be a problem and 
> you specifically don’t want to expose it to the whole user population. I 
> honestly find your attitude extremely disconcerting. What you think is right, 
> or how you think something should work is fine but shoving things in as you 
> have, affecting core behavior and just expecting users to make any of the 
> adjustments necessary is not very wise. Please take a step back and think 
> about what you’re doing.
> A conscious change to a POM by a user or a command line switch for a possible 
> feature/fix in 4.x while the user can run 3.x is a great way to figure out 
> whether said feature/fix is viable or not.
> No, someone new to Maven downloading 3.x should not get every new feature or 
> behaviorally changing bug fix. It’s clear you’ve not had to support any large 
> population of users. You just can’t do that. You change one thing you think 
> is more “correct” and 500 people spend a few hours wondering why a build is 
> broken. No one is going to read release notes, most are not on the mailing 
> list. You’ll just hose them, and an attitude of “they were just doing things 
> wrong” really isn’t acceptable.

I already reverted the things in question more than two weeks ago.
That's the result of the preliminary snapshot testing. Nothing wrong
with that. We are asking users to test the snapshot for exactly that
reason. We are now just talking about how to deliver bugfixes to the
users. I am fine with disabling things in 3.4 and making them default in
4.0. What is not to question is that we need to deliver them. I maybe
will just add a note to
where Maven is not behaving the way a reader would expect it. The issues
we are talking about have been reported by users in JIRA. It's not my
personal feature list I would like to implement or anything like that.
It happens one of those issues has been reported by me years ago. There
are others I just fixed when going through JIRA.


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