Am 08/15/16 um 20:30 schrieb David Hoffer:
> I'm testing with build 110 and have found an error with one of our current
> builds (it works through 3.3.9).  It's a bit of an odd-ball case.
> We have a child parent pom module that has several children if its own.
> One of those child modules uses a variable for the module name.  E.g.
> <modules>
>     <module>exchange</module>
>     <module>asw</module>
>     <module>third-party-jax-ws-model</module>
>     <module>${}</module>
>     <module>third-party-enterprise-messaging</module>
>     <module>third-party-ccsds</module>
> </modules>
> In the parent pom we have that property defined as:
> <jmsedm.version>3.3.0</jmsedm.version>
> <>jmsedm-v${jmsedm.version}</>
> With the 110 build we get this error:
> [ERROR]   The project com.jms.external:third-party:11.x-SNAPSHOT
> (C:\svn\trunk\third-party\pom.xml) has 1 error
> [ERROR]     Child module C:\svn\trunk\third-party\${}
> of C:\svn\trunk\third-party\pom.xml does not exist
> I've never used variables for module names before so I don't know if this
> is a regression or if it's intended to prevent this going forward, but it
> used to work fine.

Could you please provide an example project to reproduce this with. If
not possible, could you please test the project using Maven 3.2.2 and
see if that version behaves the same way Maven 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT does?


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