Am 12/05/16 um 21:51 schrieb Florian Schätz:
> shared-core pom.xml (pom)
>   - shared-core module1 pom.xml (jar)
>   - shared-core module2 pom.xml (jar)
>   - application1 parent pom.xml (pom)
>     - application 1 module 1 pom.xml (jar)
>     - application 1 module 2 pom.xml (jar)
>   - application2 parent pom.xml (pom)
>     - application 2 module 1 pom.xml (jar)
>     - application 2 module 2 pom.xml (jar)
> etc.

Looking at this there are at least two roles involved. There is the
"shared" role. Let's call that the "framework developer" role. Then
there is the "application" role. Let's call that the "application
developer" role. For you, it happens that these two roles are realized
by the same individuals. These are the questions you need to answer

Who is responsible for "shared"? What "role" is managing the way it will
evolve? Is it ok that each and every developer can change "shared"
without any kind of coordination? Everyone can do anything without any
need to communicate solutions or requirements here? Really nothing to
manage here?

Who is responsible for "app1" or "app2"? What "role" is managing the way
these will evolve? Is it ok that each and every developer can change
"app1" or "app2" without any kind of coordination? Everyone can do
anything without any need to communicate solutions or requirements here?
Really nothing to manage here?

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