I have another update on this...note I can't be 100% sure of my conclusions
as it's somewhat random but here goes.

clean install - succeeds

-PciBuild clean install - fails

-X -PciBuild clean install - succeeds at least some times

However if I remove the aggregate-jar goal from ciBuild profile then it

So what this tells me is that the usage of aggregate-jar goal breaks the
maven-dependency-plugin in the sense that it no longer can know about all
(it does know about some) project artifacts that were previously created by
the reactor build via the maven-assembly-plugin.  I think there are other
triggers of the breakage too but aggregate-jar is the one that I can
identify and is the most repeatable.

Here are the versions I'm using:

maven -> 3.3.9
maven-source-plugin -> 3.0.1
maven-javadoc-plugin -> 2.10.4
maven-assembly-plugin -> 2.6 or 3.0.0
maven-dependency-plugin -> 2.10 or 3.0.0

where ciBuild is defined as adding the following to the top level pom build


This is a major bug that I'm hoping the Maven developers can quickly
resolve.  One expects to be able to combine various normal plugin usages
and not have race conditions but here is a case that causes failures with
no clue to the cause. Since I apparently can't use the aggregate-jar goal
at all in this build is there a different way to get an aggregate javadoc
jar?  If I had a way to collect all the separate javadoc artifacts and put
in zip that would probably suffice for now.


On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 7:37 AM, David Hoffer <dhoff...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Regarding the reactor build order/issue okay/yes that is what we expected
> that it builds each to the final phase.  However if I step back and
> describe what I see in the build behavior...I see that although each module
> does build to final stage (e.g. expected generated artifacts are in target
> folder) there is some race condition where the dependency plugin does not
> think/know that an artifact was previously created.  That explains what we
> see in practice.  And I say race condition because it sometimes works (e.g.
> added -X and it worked once at least).  I do think this is somehow related
> to the use of the generate sources and/or javadocs which is specified at
> the top level pom.  You mentioned this causes it to fork I don't really
> understand why that is.  The forking sounds suspicious to me in that maybe
> it is causing the race condition?  Is there a way to turn forking off?
> It would be a major pain but I could move the generate sources and javadoc
> jars configuration to each module but since over a hundred this is very
> undesirable.  Also how can I generate an aggregated javadoc anyway but at
> the top level?  If I had the aggregated one I might be able to do away with
> the individual ones.  I'm surprised generating sources and javadoc jars is
> so problematic as it's standard to expect those will be generated for each
> java binary jar.  Can the specification of this generation be done in the
> top level pluginManagment section instead of plugins to clearly indicate
> our intent is for all child plugins to execute these goals not the parent?
>  (Except for the aggregated one...don't know how to do that except at the
> top level...in plugins section.  However maybe there is a different/better
> way?)
> Back to your suggestions...it turns out I can't use package only...not
> because of any build/reactor issue but because we have an OSGi installer
> section in this build that uses a plugin to collect up all the OSGi
> features.xml files.  Those files are collected from the .m2 repo so install
> has to be run.  This is not where any problem is as this has been used for
> at least 6 years this way with no issues.  But unless I comment out these
> parts I can't build with just package.  I might also note we do use a
> verify plugin that does guarantee that our build has no incorrect/missing
> dependencies.
> -Dave
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 12:02 AM, Karl Heinz Marbaise <khmarba...@gmx.de>
> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> On 23/01/17 00:54, David Hoffer wrote:
>>> I will try all of these things the best I can, see my comments inline
>>> below.
>>> In addition to my comments below I have a question about how Maven
>>> handles plugin phases in a multi module build.  Once the reactor module
>>> build order is established does it build each module all the way to the
>>> final phase specified by the command line before it moves on to the next
>>> module?  (E.g. is this guaranteed behavior?)  Or does it build the same
>>> phase across all modules before it moves to the next phase?  Or does it
>>> use some combination in some fashion?
>> it must build every module to the final phase...and go them with the next
>> module...
>>> -Dave
>>> On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 11:15 AM, Karl Heinz Marbaise <khmarba...@gmx.de
>>> <mailto:khmarba...@gmx.de>> wrote:
>>>     Hi David,
>>>     the first thing I strongly recommend to make a build of your project
>>>     where you first clean the local cache ($HOME/.m2/repository)
>>>     completely and just run your build via:
>>>     mvn package -DskipTests=true
>>> [dh] I don't trust package w/o also a clean so plan to add that is
>>> well.  W/o the clean any prior partial build would remain in the target
>>> folder.  Ultimately what needs to work is deploy as that is what the CI
>>> system will run after a fresh checkout in a clean working area.
>> This was not a general hint to go with it was just a single task to see
>> if everything is right with your build...Of course you can add a clean call
>> in this case ...
>> The intention here is to check if the reactor builds correct and if all
>> dependencies between the modules are correct...
>> I know that you finally need to get working deploy...but first we should
>> see if something else is wrong...
>>>     (No usage of install!)..
>>> [dh] I'm curious as to why no install?  Wen we do our dev builds the
>>> standard practice is to run clean install.
>> see my previous comments to check the dependencies between your modules...
>> Just for a test build...you can do that just locally do a fresh checkout
>> and remove the content of your cache and then
>> try to run: mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
>> (the clean after a fresh checkout is not needed)..
>>>     This should work without any issue...If it does not than the problem
>>>     is located somewhere else...
>>>     Maybe you can try to use maven-dependency-plugin:unpack instead of
>>>     unpack-dependencies like this:
>>>     For this you only a single execution of the plugin:
>>>                <configuration>
>>>                    <artifactItems>
>>>                      <artifactItem>
>>>                        <groupId>xxxx</groupId>
>>>                        <artifactId>artifactId<artifactId>
>>>                        <version>${project.version}</version>
>>>                        <type>zip</type>
>>>                        <classifier>wsdl</classifier>
>>>                        <overWrite>true</overWrite>
>>>                        <includes>**/*.class,**/*.xml</includes>
>>>                        <excludes>**/*test.class</excludes>
>>>                      </artifactItem>
>>>                      <artifactItem>
>>>                         another one...
>>>                      </artifactItem>
>>>                    </artifactItems>
>>>     <outputDirectory>${project.build.directory}</outputDirectory>
>>>                    <overWriteReleases>true</overWriteReleases>
>>>                    <overWriteSnapshots>true</overWriteSnapshots>
>>>                  </configuration>
>>> [dh] I'm always wondering about the virtues of unpack vs.
>>> unpack-dependencies.  Since what I am unpacking is part of the current
>>> reactor build I have always felt it is better to use unpack-dependencies
>>> so I can be certain the build is using the artifact generated by the
>>> current build and not a prior build downloaded from Nexus.
>> >  My
>>> understanding is unpack will get it from Nexus if it has a later
>>> timestamp on the snapshot.  However unpack-dependencies will never
>>> attempt to download and always get from current build so better in cases
>>> where its the current build's results you want.  We would often need
>>> multiple executions anyway as the outputDirectory is often different.
>>>     One thing you might consider is why have you separated the WSDL from
>>>     generating the code ? Can you combine the WSDL and the code
>>>     generation into a single module ? (Might this an option?)
>>> [dh] No this isn't possible as we have large quantities of WSDL/Schemas
>>> that are shared with our partners so we have one module that acts as
>>> sort of the repository and publisher of the wsdl/schemas then our build
>>> uses parts of that larger set of wsdl/schemas.  So we either make zips
>>> of those smaller parts of wsdl/schemas that we can consume in the
>>> appropriate source generation modules or we extract part of the zip to
>>> do the same.
>> OK just fine it was just a question...
>>>     BTW: I would try to remove the scope in your project where you do
>>>     the unpack...
>>> [dh] We don't specify the scope where we do the unpack...here is any
>>> example pom.  (I assume this is where you were referring to scope?)
>> In the dependencies of the module where you do the unpack you have
>> defined provided...
>>> <execution>
>>>     <id>unpack-JMS-WS-Eventing</id>
>>>     <phase>generate-sources</phase>
>>>     <goals>
>>>         <goal>unpack-dependencies</goal>
>>>     </goals>
>>>     <configuration>
>>>         <outputDirectory>${project.build.directory}</outputDirectory>
>>>         <includeGroupIds>com.issinc.jms.layer7.deployment</includeGr
>>> oupIds>
>>>         <includeArtifactIds>layer7-static-resources</includeArtifactIds>
>>>         <includeClassifiers>wsdl-JMS-WS-Eventing</includeClassifiers>
>>>         <includeTypes>zip</includeTypes>
>>>         <excludeTransitive>true</excludeTransitive>
>>>         <overWriteSnapshots>true</overWriteSnapshots>
>>>         <overWriteReleases>true</overWriteReleases>
>>>         <failOnMissingClassifierArtifact>true</failOnMissingClassifi
>>> erArtifact>
>>>         <ignorePermissions>true</ignorePermissions>
>>>     </configuration>
>>> </execution>
>>>     What comes to my mind is that if you generate sources packages this
>>>     should be done in the appropriate package them selfs and not into a
>>>     parent (but this depends sometimes)...
>>> [dh] That would seem to be unmanageable as you want all modules to have
>>> source/javadocs generated but don't want to have to repeat that in every
>>> module.  So this is specified at the parent pom.  However since a pom
>>> type it has no source so it doesn't generate anything for itself just
>>> its children.  The only exception to this is we now also do generate
>>> aggregated javadoc jar for the entire project via the
>>> maven-javadoc-plugin aggregate-jar goal so this does run at the top
>>> level.  I don't know of any other way to generate aggregated javadocs
>> The problem with that is that the parent pom will run first before and
>> child has been finished and furthermore the javadoc will fork the life
>> cycle...(identified by "<<<" and ">>>" in the output...
>>>     Furthermore I would suggest to test it several times without
>>>     influence of Teamcity (cause it seemed to be having some kind of
>>>     watcher running)..I had such issues in Jenkins a while ago (with the
>>>     evil Mavne Job Type)...
>>>     Can you run that build several times without the ciBuild profile ?
>>> [dh] Yes I can do this.  In my prior experience it will happen less
>>> without the ciBuild and have no idea why.  However we do need sources
>>> and javadocs so have to figure out how to build with those somehow.
>> Yes I know but we need to drill down to the problem first...
>>>     Furthermore it might be worth to check using the
>>>     maven-remote-resources plugin for the parts which you are
>>>     unpackaging into the appropriate packages...if it's only related to
>>>     single files etc. ? But I'm not sure...
>>> [dh] I'm not familiar with that plugin.  I just took a quick look.  It
>>> seems we do the same/similar thing using the maven-assembly-plugin.
>>> E.g. our standard practice is to generate artifacts for later
>>> consumption using the maven-assembly-plugin and then consume with
>>> maven-dependency-plugin.  Is this not a valid way to handle this?
>> The assembly is one option...the remote resources plugin packs things and
>> will be executed in the generate-resources phase by default and put the
>> files you need into appropriate directories...which is sometimes less
>> configureation...but first we should drill down to your problem before we
>> change anything...
>>>     Just some thoughts about...without really seeing the build and the
>>>     complete poms etc.
>>>     Kind regards
>>>     Karl Heinz Marbaise
>>>     On 22/01/17 17:58, David Hoffer wrote:
>>>         Any input on this?  This is killing us right now...we don't have
>>>         a way to
>>>         get past this and builds are failing.  We have no idea what to
>>>         try to fix
>>>         this.
>>>         Any input is greatly appreciated.
>>>         -Dave
>>>         On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 7:18 AM, David Hoffer
>>>         <dhoff...@gmail.com <mailto:dhoff...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>             Maven home: C:\Programs\Apache\Maven\apache-maven-3.3.9
>>>             Java version: 1.8.0_102, vendor: Oracle Corporation
>>>             Java home: C:\Programs\Java\jdk1.8.0_102\jre
>>>             Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
>>>             OS name: "windows 7", version: "6.1", arch: "amd64", family:
>>>             "dos"
>>>             Command line: mvn clean install -PciBuild -DskipTests=true
>>>             We are not using the -T option.
>>>             The JMS: Parent (POM) is the top level pom and it is a
>>>             regular pom, the
>>>             reason that it took 22 minutes is that the ciBuild profile
>>>             was enabled.
>>>             This profile just turns on generating sources and javadoc
>>>             jars for the
>>>             project, it also creates an uber javadoc jar using the
>>>             aggregate-jar goal.
>>>             As I previously mentioned it does seem that generating the
>>>             sources and
>>>             javadoc jars aggravates this issue so it occurs more often
>>>             and right now
>>>             its failing almost all the time.  If I remove the source and
>>>             javadoc jar
>>>             generation it will fail the same way but generally not as
>>> often.
>>>             -Dave
>>>             On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 3:38 AM, Karl Heinz Marbaise
>>>             <khmarba...@gmx.de <mailto:khmarba...@gmx.de>>
>>>             wrote:
>>>                 Hi,
>>>                 how is Maven called ? Which Maven Version do you use?
>>>                 Are you using "-T"
>>>                 option?
>>>                 What looks a little bit strnage to me is that a parent:
>>>                 "[00:34:50] :   [Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS: Parent (POM)
>>>                 .................................. SUCCESS [22:08 min]"
>>>                 shows a time of 22 minutes ? Is this really a pom or is
>>> the
>>>                 <name>..</name> saying something different than the pom
>>>                 itself (so
>>>                 packaging different than pom?):
>>>                 Kind regards
>>>                 Karl Heinz
>>>                 On 20/01/17 17:46, David Hoffer wrote:
>>>                     Here is some build and log messages when run in
>>>                     normal mode...I will get
>>>                     debug logs.  Note it's the unpack-JMS-WS-Eventing
>>>                     step that is skipped
>>>                     below...so the expected file is not found.
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[Step 2/3] [INFO]
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[Step 2/3] [INFO]
>>>                     ------------------------------
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Building JMS JAX-WS:
>>>                     Bullpen JAX-WS (JAR)
>>>                     11.x-SNAPSHOT
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[Step 2/3] [INFO]
>>>                     ------------------------------
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[Step 2/3] [Maven Watcher] project
>>> started:
>>>                     com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws:jar:11.x-SNAPSHOT
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[Step 2/3] [Maven Watcher]
>>>                     [00:34:49]i:[Step 2/3] ##teamcity[projectStarted
>>>                     tc:tags='tc:internal'
>>>                     projectId='com.issinc.jms.jax.
>>> ws.resources:bullpen-jax-ws:ja
>>>                     r:11.x-SNAPSHOT'
>>>                     groupId='com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>.resources'
>>>                     artifactId='bullpen-jax-ws'
>>>                     testReportsDir0='F:/work/5c4a2
>>> 37177bf7a76/jax-ws-resources/b
>>>                     ullpen-jax-ws/target/failsafe-reports'
>>>                     testReportsDir1='F:/work/5c4a2
>>> 37177bf7a76/jax-ws-resources/b
>>>                     ullpen-jax-ws/target/surefire-reports']
>>>                     [00:34:49]E:[Step 2/3] com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws
>>>                     [00:34:49]i:[com.issinc.jms.ja
>>> x.ws.resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     ##teamcity[importData tc:tags='tc:internal'
>>>                     type='surefire'
>>>                     path='F:/work/5c4a237177bf7a76
>>> /jax-ws-resources/bullpen-jax-
>>>                     ws/target/failsafe-reports/TEST-*.xml'
>>>                     whenNoDataPublished='nothing' logAsInternal='true']
>>>                     [00:34:49]i:[com.issinc.jms.ja
>>> x.ws.resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     ##teamcity[importData tc:tags='tc:internal'
>>>                     type='surefire'
>>>                     path='F:/work/5c4a237177bf7a76
>>> /jax-ws-resources/bullpen-jax-
>>>                     ws/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
>>>                     whenNoDataPublished='nothing' logAsInternal='true']
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     Importing
>>>                     data from
>>>                     'F:/work/5c4a237177bf7a76/jax-
>>> ws-resources/bullpen-jax-ws/ta
>>>                     rget/failsafe-reports/TEST-*.xml'
>>>                     (not existing file) with 'surefire' processor
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     Importing
>>>                     data from
>>>                     'F:/work/5c4a237177bf7a76/jax-
>>> ws-resources/bullpen-jax-ws/ta
>>>                     rget/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
>>>                     (not existing file) with 'surefire' processor
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO] ---
>>>                     properties-maven-plugin:1.0-al
>>> pha-2:set-system-properties
>>>                     (set-additional-system-properties) @ bullpen-jax-ws
>>> ---
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO] Set
>>>                     3 system properties
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO] ---
>>>                     maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.0:unpack-dependencies
>>>                     (unpack-bullpen-msg) @
>>>                     bullpen-jax-ws ---
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO] ---
>>>                     maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.0:unpack-dependencies
>>>                     (unpack-JMS-WS-Eventing) @ bullpen-jax-ws ---
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     [00:34:49] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO] ---
>>>                     maven-replacer-plugin:1.4.1:replace
>>>                     (replace-elements-import) @
>>>                     bullpen-jax-ws ---
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     Surefire
>>>                     report watcher
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Surefire report watcher] Watching paths:
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Surefire report watcher]
>>>                     F:\work\5c4a237177bf7a76\jax-w
>>> s-resources\bullpen-jax-ws\tar
>>>                     get\failsafe-reports\TEST-*.xml
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     Surefire
>>>                     report watcher
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Surefire report watcher] Watching paths:
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Surefire report watcher]
>>>                     F:\work\5c4a237177bf7a76\jax-w
>>> s-resources\bullpen-jax-ws\tar
>>>                     get\surefire-reports\TEST-*.xml
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     Ignoring missing file
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     Replacement run on 0 file.
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO] ---
>>>                     maven-replacer-plugin:1.4.1:replace
>>>                     (replace-elements-namespace) @
>>>                     bullpen-jax-ws ---
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     Ignoring missing file
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     Replacement run on 0 file.
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO] ---
>>>                     maven-replacer-plugin:1.4.1:replace
>>>                     (replace-types-namespace) @
>>>                     bullpen-jax-ws ---
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     Ignoring missing file
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     Replacement run on 0 file.
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [INFO] ---
>>>                     jaxws-maven-plugin:2.3:wsimport
>>>                     (bullpen-jax-ws-wsimport) @
>>>                     bullpen-jax-ws ---
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [Maven
>>>                     Watcher]
>>>                     [00:34:50]E:[com.issinc.jms.ja
>>> x.ws.resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     Failed to
>>>                     execute goal
>>>                     org.jvnet.jax-ws-commons:jaxws
>>> -maven-plugin:2.3:wsimport
>>>                     (bullpen-jax-ws-wsimport) on project bullpen-jax-ws:
>>>                     'F:\work\5c4a237177bf7a76\jax-
>>> ws-resources\bullpen-jax-ws\ta
>>>                     rget/wsdl/JMS-WS-Eventing/NotificationService.wsdl'
>>>                     not found.
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[com.issinc.jms.jax.ws
>>>                     <http://com.issinc.jms.jax.ws>
>>> .resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     [Maven
>>>                     Watcher]
>>>                     [00:34:50]i:[com.issinc.jms.ja
>>> x.ws.resources:bullpen-jax-ws]
>>>                     ##teamcity[projectFinished tc:tags='tc:internal'
>>>                     projectId='com.issinc.jms.jax.
>>> ws.resources:bullpen-jax-ws:ja
>>>                     r:11.x-SNAPSHOT']
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO]
>>>                     ------------------------------
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Reactor Summary:
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS: Parent (POM)
>>>                     .................................. SUCCESS [22:08
>>> min]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party (POM)
>>>                     .................................. SUCCESS [ 15.097
>>> s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Exchange (POM)
>>>                     ................................. SUCCESS [ 14.673
>>> s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Exchange Web Services
>>>                     Java API
>>>                     ..................... SUCCESS [ 56.476 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS EWS (JAR)
>>>                     ...................................... SUCCESS [
>>>                     21.454 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party: ASW
>>>                     WSDL/Schema (JAR)
>>>                     ................. SUCCESS [ 17.851 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party code:
>>>                     JAX-WS Model for 3-rd
>>>                     party schema (JAR) SUCCESS [ 53.030 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party: JMS EDM
>>>                     3.3.0 Schemas (POM)
>>>                     ........... SUCCESS [ 18.503 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party :
>>>                     Enterprise Messaging Parent
>>>                     (POM) .... SUCCESS [ 15.107 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party:
>>>                     Enterprise Messaging WSDL
>>>                     (POM) ....... SUCCESS [ 15.712 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party:
>>>                     Enterprise Messaging SEI
>>>                     Parent (POM) . SUCCESS [ 15.031 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party: EM WSN
>>>                     Notification Consumer
>>>                     SEI (JAR)  SUCCESS [ 24.023 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party: EM WSN
>>>                     Notification Producer
>>>                     SEI (JAR)  SUCCESS [ 25.026 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party: EM WSN
>>>                     Subscription Manager
>>>                     SEI (JAR) . SUCCESS [ 23.884 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party:
>>>                     Enterprise Messaging WSN
>>>                     Admin SEI (JAR) SUCCESS [ 25.346 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Third Party: CCSDS
>>> (POM)
>>>                     ........................... SUCCESS [ 16.225 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Parent
>>> (POM)
>>>                     ........................... SUCCESS [ 15.849 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Stack
>>>                     Parent (POM)
>>>                     ..................... SUCCESS [ 15.657 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Core (JAR)
>>>                     ............................. SUCCESS [ 51.726 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Domain
>>>                     Model (JAR)
>>>                     ..................... SUCCESS [ 21.047 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: DAO (JAR)
>>>                     .............................. SUCCESS [ 31.357 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Crypto
>>> (JAR)
>>>                     ........................... SUCCESS [ 22.410 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Config
>>> (JAR)
>>>                     ........................... SUCCESS [ 25.391 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Service
>>>                     CRUD - Client (JAR)
>>>                     ............ SUCCESS [ 19.778 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Service
>>>                     CRUD (JAR)
>>>                     ..................... SUCCESS [ 25.523 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Custom
>>>                     Parent (POM)
>>>                     .................... SUCCESS [ 13.628 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Domain -
>>>                     Oracle (JAR)
>>>                     .................. SUCCESS [ 17.035 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Reverse
>>>                     Engineering (JAR)
>>>                     .............. SUCCESS [ 22.680 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: DAO -
>>>                     Hibernate (JAR)
>>>                     .................. SUCCESS [ 17.086 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Crust (JAR)
>>>                     ............................ SUCCESS [ 33.916 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Config JMS
>>>                     Notify (JAR)
>>>                     ................ SUCCESS [ 17.187 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] common-jsf
>>>                     ......................................... SUCCESS [
>>>                     21.274 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Quartz-Cmd
>>>                     (ONEJAR)
>>>                     .................... SUCCESS [ 25.680 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Domain -
>>>                     Hibernate (JAR)
>>>                     ............... SUCCESS [ 16.654 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Domain -
>>>                     OpenJPA (JAR)
>>>                     ................. SUCCESS [ 16.389 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Parse -
>>>                     ANTLR (JAR)
>>>                     .................... SUCCESS [ 16.133 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Transform
>>>                     - XSLT (JAR)
>>>                     ................. SUCCESS [ 19.031 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Service
>>>                     CRUD - AXIS (JAR)
>>>                     .............. SUCCESS [ 18.922 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Classifier Service
>>>                     (JAR)
>>>                     ....................... SUCCESS [ 23.380 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Legacy
>>>                     Parent (POM)
>>>                     .................... SUCCESS [ 12.517 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Util (JAR)
>>>                     ............................. SUCCESS [ 23.341 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: ESB -
>>>                     ServiceMix (JAR)
>>>                     ................. SUCCESS [ 30.479 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: IO (JAR)
>>>                     ............................... SUCCESS [ 15.556 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: JEE - MDB
>>>                     (JAR)
>>>                     ........................ SUCCESS [ 16.814 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: JAXB (JAR)
>>>                     ............................. SUCCESS [ 15.189 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Logging
>>> (JAR)
>>>                     .......................... SUCCESS [ 19.696 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Parsers
>>> (JAR)
>>>                     .......................... SUCCESS [ 23.917 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS: Notification
>>> Parent
>>>                     ........................... SUCCESS [ 11.979 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Notification:
>>>                     Notification API (JAR)
>>>                     ........... SUCCESS [ 15.814 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Notification:
>>>                     Common (JAR)
>>>                     ..................... SUCCESS [ 21.994 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: Message
>>> (JAR)
>>>                     .......................... SUCCESS [ 24.964 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common:
>>>                     Import/Export (JAR)
>>>                     .................... SUCCESS [ 16.588 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Common: DAO -
>>>                     Legacy (JAR)
>>>                     ..................... SUCCESS [ 16.412 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Persistence:
>>>                     Legacy Persistence (JAR)
>>>                     .......... SUCCESS [ 21.701 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Installer:
>>>                     Database Files (ZIP)
>>>                     ................ SUCCESS [06:18 min]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Orchestration:
>>>                     Parent (POM)
>>>                     .................... SUCCESS [ 12.929 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Activiti BPM - (OSGi)
>>>                     .............................. SUCCESS [ 26.050 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Domain Model:
>>>                     Parent (POM)
>>>                     ..................... SUCCESS [ 11.523 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Bullpen: Domain
>>>                     Model (JAR)
>>>                     .................... SUCCESS [ 32.741 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Bullpen: Parent
>>> (POM)
>>>                     .......................... SUCCESS [ 11.461 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Bullpen: DAO (JAR)
>>>                     ............................. SUCCESS [ 28.254 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Bullpen: CRUD (JAR)
>>>                     ............................ SUCCESS [ 41.435 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Orchestration:
>>>                     Hazelcast (OSGi)
>>>                     ................ SUCCESS [ 18.782 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Orchestration:
>>>                     Bullpen Parent (POM)
>>>                     ............ SUCCESS [ 11.396 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Bullpen: Message
>>>                     Broker (OSGi)
>>>                     ................. SUCCESS [01:06 min]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Layer7: Layer7
>>>                     Parent (POM)
>>>                     .................... SUCCESS [ 11.399 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Layer7: Layer7
>>>                     Deployment (POM)
>>>                     ................ SUCCESS [ 11.337 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Layer7: Layer7
>>>                     Static Resources (ZIPs)
>>>                     ......... SUCCESS [01:01 min]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS JAX-WS: Resources
>>>                     Parent(POM)
>>>                     .................. SUCCESS [ 13.468 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS JAX-WS: Bullpen
>>>                     JAX-WS (JAR)
>>>                     ................... FAILURE [  0.538 s]
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Notification:
>>>                     Bullpen Client (JAR)
>>>                     ............. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Notification:
>>>                     Services Parent (POM)
>>>                     ............ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Notification
>>>                     Services: API (JAR)
>>>                     ............... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Notification
>>>                     Services: Common (JAR)
>>>                     ............ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Notification
>>>                     Services: EJBs (JAR)
>>>                     .............. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Notification
>>>                     Services: Notification
>>>                     Callback EE (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Notification
>>>                     Services: Webapp (WAR)
>>>                     ............ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Domain Model (JAR)
>>>                     .......... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Parent (POM)
>>>                     ................ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     JAX-WS Services
>>>                     ............. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     JAX-WS Services
>>>                     WSDL/Domain . SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     JAX-WS EJB WS Model
>>>                     (JAR) ... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Notification
>>>                     Services: EAR (EAR)
>>>                     ............... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Sensor Management
>>>                     Service: Parent (POM)
>>>                     ............ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] SMS: Mission Services
>>>                     (JAR)
>>>                     ........................ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] SMS: Sensor Management
>>>                     Service (WAR)
>>>                     ............... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] SMS: SAAJ (WAR)
>>>                     .................................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] SMS: jmsMissionThreads
>>>                     (EAR)
>>>                     ....................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core : Domain
>>>                     Model (JAR)
>>>                     ...................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Hiet: Domain Model
>>>                     (JAR)
>>>                     ....................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS KARNAC: Domain
>>>                     Model (JAR)
>>>                     ..................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Test, Training and
>>>                     Exercise : Domain
>>>                     Model (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Orchestration:
>>>                     Orchestration
>>>                     WSDLs/schemas (ZIP) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS JAX-WS: Data
>>>                     Product Generator JAX-WS
>>>                     (JAR) .... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS JAX-WS:
>>>                     PublisherOrchestrationService
>>>                     JAX-WS (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] Orchestration Clients
>>>                     (JAR)
>>>                     ........................ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Parse - ANTLR (JAR)
>>>                     ......... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Utilities (JAR)
>>>                     ............. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Parse - Util (JAR)
>>>                     .......... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Configuration (EJB)
>>>                     ......... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     CRUD Model (JAR)
>>>                     ............ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Domain Listener -
>>>                     Context (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     DAO - EJB (JAR)
>>>                     ............. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Time Utilities
>>>                     (JAR) ........ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Satellite Number
>>>                     Utilities (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Parse (JAR)
>>>                     ................. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Parse - Third Party
>>>                     (JAR) ... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Satellite Number
>>>                     Reservation (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Astro Utilities
>>>                     (JAR) ....... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Staging to Real
>>>                     Converter (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Write (JAR)
>>>                     ................. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] ASW: JAX-WS Client
>>>                     ................................. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Domain Model -
>>>                     Hibernate (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     DAO - POJO (JAR)
>>>                     ............ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Satcat-Loader
>>>                     ............... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Bulk Loader
>>>                     .................................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     CXF Clients Parent
>>>                     (POM) .... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Common Client CXF
>>>                     (JAR) ..... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core: Parent (POM)
>>>                     ............................. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core: CRUD Model
>>> (JAR)
>>>                     ......................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core: Domain
>>>                     Listener - Context (JAR)
>>>                     .......... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core: DAO - EJB
>>> (JAR)
>>>                     .......................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core: CRUD (JAR)
>>>                     ............................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core: Data
>>>                     Environment (JAR)
>>>                     ................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Ingest Service
>>>                     (AAR) ........ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Ingest Service CXF
>>>                     Client - SWA (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Bullpen: Clients
>>> (POM)
>>>                     ......................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Bullpen: Publisher
>>>                     Client (JAR)
>>>                     ................ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core Services:
>>>                     Parent (POM)
>>>                     .................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core Services:
>>>                     Notification Parent
>>>                     (POM) ....... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core Service:
>>>                     Notification WS Client
>>>                     (JAR) ..... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Admin Tools -
>>>                     Common (JAR) .. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     RSO Duplicate
>>>                     Detection (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS JAX-WS: Satcat
>>>                     Mediator JAX-WS (JAR)
>>>                     ........... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     EJB JAX-WS Services
>>>                     (JAR) ... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Json EJB (JAR)
>>>                     .............. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Domain Listener -
>>>                     AXIS (JAR)  SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     ElementUpdater
>>>                     (JAR) ........ SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core Services:
>>>                     Messaging Parent (POM)
>>>                     .......... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Core Service:
>>>                     Email Messaging Support
>>>                     (JAR) .... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     SpaceFaces - JSF
>>>                     tools (JAR)  SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Dataminer Framework
>>>                     Parent (POM) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Data Miner
>>>                     Framework Common (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Data Miner
>>>                     Framework Ingest Parent (POM) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Data Miner
>>>                     Framework Ingest Common (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Data Miner
>>>                     Framework Engine (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Data Miner
>>>                     Framework RX Engine (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Data Miner
>>>                     Framework Ingest DML Evidence Trigger (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     CRUD (JAR)
>>>                     .................. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Orchestration:
>>>                     Database Connector
>>>                     Parent (POM) . SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Orchestration:
>>>                     Satellite Catalog Data
>>>                     Source (OSGi) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Orchestration:
>>>                     Resources Parent(POM)
>>>                     ........... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Orchestration:
>>>                     SatCatExternalIngest
>>>                     Resources (JAR) SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Orchestration:
>>>                     Satellite Catalog
>>>                     Facade (POM) .. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Orchestration:
>>>                     Satcat Mediator (OSGi)
>>>                     .......... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Orchestration:
>>>                     Satcat Publisher (OSGi)
>>>                     ......... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     Integration -
>>>                     Quartz (JAR) .. SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:
>>>                     UI (WAR)
>>>                     .................... SKIPPED
>>>                     [00:34:50] :[Step 2/3] [INFO] JMS Satellite Catalog:

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