> it seems that I can only require that the XML elements be overridden
> in *all* descendant POMs, and this introduces too much redundancy.

I see.

Would it be sufficient if the requireElements rule had a multiModule flag
which, if set, green-lighted the build when the stated elements are defined
in the local parent POM? This feature would assume you are using the
aggregator==parent scheme, and follow the <relativePath> declared in the
<parent> of each POM. If it finds a POM there, it would parse it and then
check for the required elements in _that_ POM instead of the initial one.
And do this recursively, in case you have a multi-layered multi-module

The downside of this approach: modules of a project would only build if the
parent is available locally. E.g.: if you try to build one module of a
multi-module build which has been physically disconnected from its parent
(e.g., a partial SVN checkout), the enforcer would fail because it would
not find the local parent POM to validate against. One can also imagine
various "aggegator != parent" organizations where the parent is not
available locally, which would also all fail to support this scheme.


Curtis Rueden
LOCI software architect - https://loci.wisc.edu/software
ImageJ2 lead, Fiji maintainer - https://imagej.net/User:Rueden

On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 9:13 AM, <org.apache.maven.u...@io7m.com> wrote:

> 'Ello.
> On 2017-03-02T08:16:43 -0600
> Curtis Rueden <ctrue...@wisc.edu> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > > I do actually want to enforce this, the issue is that I only want to
> > > enforce it as far as the first ancestor.
> >
> > Sorry if you stated otherwise in your writeup, but my understanding is
> that
> > you want to define some empty properties in your new root POM, and then
> > ensure they are _not_ empty in the next level down. Right?
> Yes, but additionally some XML elements as well.
> I'd like to enforce that:
>   1. Some properties that are defined as empty in the root POM are
>      non-empty in all descendants.
>   2. Some XML elements that are defined in the root POM (such as
>      issueManagement) are overridden _at least once_ between the root
>      and any leaf project.
> The requireProperty rule you provided does seem to properly handle point
> 1, but I think that the options we've discussed are too heavy-handed
> for point 2. Unless I've missed something obvious, it seems that I can
> only require that the XML elements be overridden in *all* descendant
> POMs, and this introduces too much redundancy.
> M

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