Hi all,

I have a pom.xml file of a legacy program that declares a dependency
on an Apache Commons' xml-resolver:xml-resolver via dependency
management and a property. The pom file looks essentially like this:

    <!-- .. -->
  <!-- ... -->

This works; version 1.2 does exist:

We now wanted to move to dependency ranges, to automatically pull in
the latest minor and patch releases:

However, when I change the version range to [1.2,2.0) (i.e. all
release versions from 1.2 inclusive to 2.0 exclusive) I get the
following error message:
>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project bar: Could not resolve 
>> dependencies for project com.example.foo:bar:pom:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Failed to 
>> collect dependencies at xml-resolver:xml-resolver:jar:[1.2,2.0): No versions 
>> available for xml-resolver:xml-resolver:jar:[1.2,2.0) within specified range 
>> -> [Help 1]

I also tried version [1.2] (exact version range) with the same result.
After some googeling, I had a look at maven central's manifest for
that artifact, located at

It turns out that the metadata only specifies version 1.1:

Is that the reason maven can't resolve the artifact with the
dependency range given?
Does that mean the metadata on maven central is corrupted?

If so, where do I report the issue to get it fixed?
Is there another way to make this work (e.g. by asking our Nexus
mirror to do some magic)?
And last but not least: are there ever scenarios where previously
published versions are removed from the metadata file on central (but
not the jar files themselves)?

I found 9 other artifacts so far that have the same issue...

NB: When I run java -jar maven-artifact-3.1.0.jar [versions...] as
described on https://maven.apache.org/pom.html#Version_Order_Testing I
get an error message:
>> no main manifest attribute, in maven-artifact-3.1.0.jar

I'm running Apache Maven 3.3.9 and that's the latest jar in my local
repo. (The docs specify version 3.3.9 for the actual jar.) Do I need
to pull the latest one, or is something else broken there?

Kind regards,

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