On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 2:38 AM, Anders Hammar <and...@hammar.net> wrote:

> The solution to this is to NOT have dependencies declared in a parent pom.
> I know some want to do that to simplify in the projects inheriting, but
> this is the downside of doing that. There is no way to fix this but to fix
> the parent pom.
Maybe just put the version in the parent POM as property, then declare the
dependency on the child POM.  That way, the consistency is preserved which
is same version for all POM.

> /Anders
> On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 1:18 PM, mingleizhang <zml13856086...@163.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello, Maven Experts here.
> >
> >
> >          As the subject said, how to exclude artifacts inherited from a
> > parent POM ?  Why did I ask this question as I used mvn
> dependency:analyze
> > to find which dependency is unnecessary. And I found the following. All
> of
> > them from the parent pom. And I can not exclude them like a normal way.
> > Does anyone improve my mind here ? Thanks in advance.
> >
> >
> > Unused declared dependencies found:
> > [WARNING]    org.apache.flink:force-shading:jar:1.4-SNAPSHOT:compile
> > [WARNING]    org.powermock:powermock-module-junit4:jar:1.6.5:test
> > [WARNING]    com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305:jar:1.3.9:compile
> > [WARNING]    log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.17:test
> > [WARNING]    org.powermock:powermock-api-mockito:jar:1.6.5:test
> > [WARNING]    org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:jar:1.7.7:test
> >
> >
> > Cheers
> > Rice

Guang <http://grails.asia/two-dimensional-string-array-in-java/>

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