From: ahardy42 <adam.ha...@cyberspaceroad.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2018 11:12 AM
To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject: ServiceLoader not loading FileTypeDetector implementation in jar

I created, tested and packaged a java.nio.file.spi.FileTypeDetector
implementation in a utility jar for use by Files.probeContentType(path).

So it works beautifully in my utility project.

I'm now trying to use it in another project but despite hours of trying, I
can't work out why the JVM can't find or load my implementation and keeps
defaulting back to the JDK's RegisterFileTypeDetector.

I have double checked that the utility jar is in my classpath with
dependency:tree, contains the
META-INF/services/java.nio.file.spi.FileTypeDetector file naming my
implementation, and also the actual implementation class.

The JDK javadoc documentation claims that it will seek it out anywhere on
the application's classpath:

ServiceLoader (Java Platform SE 8 ) - Oracle Help 
A simple service-provider loading facility. A service is a well-known set of 
interfaces and (usually abstract) classes. A service provider is a specific ...

MG>*possible permissions error* on the maven user you are implementing
MG>what is the result of the above statement?
GC: FileTypeDetector - java.nio.file.spi.FileTypeDetector (.java) - GrepCode 
java.nio.file.spi.FileTypeDetector - A file type detector for probing a file to 
guess its file type

but I only see it searching on the system classpath during debugging.

My efforts are hampered by the use of nested arrays of Enumeration<URL> with
sun.misc.CompoundEnumeration. It's really convoluted and I haven't been able
to see where it fails.

What could I be doing wrong?

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