
if you use the copy goal, you don't have to add them to your list of 
dependencies. Personally I would use the 
copy-dependencies goal and copy only the ones with scope provided (i.e. you 
don't have to specify each one 


Am Fri, 23 Feb 2018 09:58:09 -0800 schrieb lewis john mcgibbney:

> I should also say, that the workaround is to list each and every
> transitive dependency in the dependency declaration with scope
> 'provided', such that they are NOT on the normal runtime classpath but
> ARE correctly copied into the target directory defined within the
> maven-dependency-plugin configuration as shown above.
> The only issue with this workaround is that it is extremely messy,
> bloats my POM and is difficult to maintain as I have now introduced
> around 50 or so additional dependencies which all have versions, etc.
> Thanks again for any hints.
> Lewis
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 9:55 AM, lewis john mcgibbney
> <lewi...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hello users@,
>> I am looking to dynamically load JAR's during a program execution based
>> upon a users input and therefore using the maven-dependency-plugin to
>> do this.
>> Specifically, the plugin configuration looks as follows
>>       <plugin>
>>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>>         <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
>>         <executions>
>>           <execution>
>>             <id>copy</id> <phase>prepare-package</phase>
>>             <goals>
>>               <goal>copy</goal>
>>             </goals>
>>             <configuration>
>>               <artifactItems>
>>                 <artifactItem>
>>                   <groupId>org.apache.any23.plugins</groupId>
>>                   <artifactId>apache-any23-openie</artifactId>
>>                   <version>${project.version}</version>
>>                   <outputDirectory>${output.directory}</outputDirectory>
>>                 </artifactItem>
>> ...
>> This works fine, however I have an issue with regards to these specific
>> JARs being present on the classpath during the build and runtime
>> depending on the </scope> I assign to them within the dependency
>> definition.
>> If I mark the scope as 'runtime', the dependencies are added to the
>> normal classpath which I do not want, as the purpose here is dynamic
>> classloading via user input.
>> On the other hand, if I define the dependency scope as 'provided' then
>> no transitive dependencies are acquired hence I encounter
>> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError as although the primary dependency is
>> present, it's own dependencies are not.
>> Does anyone have a way to get around this. Ideally I am looking for a
>> solution to define a specific location I was dependencies (and the
>> transitive dependencies) to reside such that I can load them
>> dynamically at runtime.
>> Thank you kindly in advance,
>> Lewis
>> --
>> http://home.apache.org/~lewismc/
>> http://people.apache.org/keys/committer/lewismc

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