The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven 3.5.2

You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page

The Apache Maven team would like to thank the following contributors,
without whom this release would not have been possible:

Code contributors:

- Sylwester Lachiewicz
- Bengt Söderberg
- Robin Müller
- Romain Manni-Bucau

Issue reporters:

- Ryan Heaton
- Ryan J McDonough
- Andreas Kurth
- Ben Caradoc-Davies
- Romain Manni-Bucau
- Robin Müller
- Dejan Stojadinović
- Andrew Kennedy
- Sylwester Lachiewicz
- Andy Wilkinson
- Eugene Pliskin
- Tony Guan

Community testers participating in voting for this release:

- Sylwester Lachiewicz
- Grzegorz Grzybek

Thank you for your time and feedback.

Release Notes - Maven - Version 3.5.3

***Known issues***:
   * [MNG-6372] - On Windows with -T option, Maven can output spurious ANSI
escapes such as [0m [0m

    * [MNG-6188] - Console color not properly reset when interrupting build
    * [MNG-6255] - Maven script cannot parse jvm.config with CRLF
    * [MNG-6282] - Console output has no colors in shell (both Git Bash and
Cygwin) [regression in Jansi 1.16 / Maven 3.5.1]
    * [MNG-6296] - New option -Dstyle.color is not working
    * [MNG-6298] - 3.5.2: ClassNotFoundException:
    * [MNG-6300] - Multi module release creates empty directories in war
file instead of jars
    * [MNG-6305] - Validation of CI friendly version incorrect
    * [MNG-6320] - Apparently wrong encoding of non-ascii java class
filename in error messages in the maven log
    * [MNG-6323] - Deadlock in multithreaded dependency resolution
    * [MNG-6330] - [regression] Parents relativePath not verified anymore

New Feature:
    * [MNG-6302] - Provide some "progress" hints

    * [MNG-5992] - Git passwords are exposed as the Super POM still uses
Maven Release Plugin 2.3.2
    * [MNG-6306] - Replace use of Guava in maven-resolver-provider with a
lighter weight alternative
    * [MNG-6308] - display packaging & groupId:artifactId when building a
    * [MNG-6332] - Cleaned up mvn.cmd Script
    * [MNG-6340] - [Performance]To make System.gc() call configurable in
target summary code
    * [MNG-6342] - Emit a WARNING about LATEST/RELEASE in parent
    * [MNG-6352] - Printout version information at the end of the build

    * [MNG-6331] - Remove maven-bundle-pugin from build pluginManagement

Dependency upgrade:
    * [MNG-6312] - Update Maven Wagon dependency
    * [MNG-6335] - Update test framework Mockito from 1.10 to 2.12
    * [MNG-6353] - Upgrade maven-shared-utils to 3.2.1


-The Apache Maven team

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