I think the deploy:deploy-file is meant mostly for command line usage and I
need this deployment as part of my build (need same SNAPSHOT version), so I
don't think it will answer my needs.

I ended up using build-helper-maven plugin with the following configuration
(assume that the maven-shade-plugin is building the shaded jar as the main


<file>${}/${}.jar</file> <!--
the main artifact of the project -->

I think this is the simplest solution to the problem.

On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 2:04 PM, Golan, Yaron <> wrote:

> Not sure if my proposal will fit your needs, but I'd try to run the
> deploy:deploy-file goal right after the default deploy phase.
> The default deploy will upload your default jar while the second execution
> will upload the shaded one.
> Or the other way (order) around.
> Bottom line is that you'll have both jars uploaded to the artifacts
> repository.
> YG
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dagan Sandler []
> Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2018 13:52
> To: Maven Users List <>
> Subject: Deploy shaded jar with an without classifier simultaneously
> Hi all,
> I'll start by saying that I'm aware this is not an ideal configuration and
> I only need this as an intermediate solution to a larger problem I'm
> dealing with which is out of the scope of this question.
> I'm wondering if there's an easy way to do this with maven-shade-plugin
> only.
> My current situation is that I have an artifact being packaged as a shaded
> jar with all its dependencies, let's call it *my-shaded-module. *This
> artifact is currently being deployed with a single artifact (the shaded
> jar) - named my-shaded-module, without any qualifier*.*
> My end goal is to have this module deployed with 2 artifacts - a simple
> (plain) jar with no classifier, and the shaded jar with a "shaded"
> classifier. I know how to do this, but some outside concerns are limiting
> my ability to do this immediately.
> What I'd like to achieve for the intermediate solution is to deploy this
> artifact in its shaded form twice for every build, meaning that running mvn
> deploy will result in 2 artifacts being deployed:
> 1. my-shaded-module.jar
> 2. my-shaded-module-shaded.jar
> Both of which are supposed to be shaded at this point.
> I can probably do it using some additional plugins like assembly plugin or
> something but I'm hoping maybe someone has a solution for a simple idea of
> how to do this, maybe with maven-shade-plugin alone.
> Keep in mind that this is a temporary solution, hence why I'm trying to
> avoid introducing additional plugins to the build.
> Hope this was clear enough
> Thanks,
> Dagan.
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