Thanks for the insight, Hervé.

"packaging" is not part of coordinates: what you can have is "type"

I got "packaging" from:

Is that page out of date?  Or is "type" used in some circumstances /
contexts, and "packaging" used in others?

For the category terms, if resolving an artifact means both finding &
downloading it, instead of just finding it, then I should change some of
the category descriptions & names:

have groupId, artifactId & version that identifies an artifact in a
> specific repository

This corresponds to the previously proposed "resolved".  I'd rename it
either resolvable, or available.

have groupId, artifactId & version that does not identify any artifact in a
> specific repository

This corresponds to the previously proposed "unavailable-in-repository".   I'd
rename it either unresolvable, or unavailable.

I think the names should be chosen as a consistent pair: either resolvable
& unresolvable, or available & unavailable.

have groupId & artifactId; might or might not have version

Instead of making a special term for this category, it's probably better to
just require that all coordinates have both groupId & artifactId, and to
term any "coordinates" that don't have both as "incomplete coordinates".

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