On 28 June 2018 at 20:54, Robert Scholte <rfscho...@apache.org> wrote:

> Please see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPLUGIN-341 for the full
> story:
> TLDR; No, Maven can't be (Java) modularized, otherwise all plugins become
> useless.

​I am no expert but it seems to me Java 9 services deal with this. Or don't

It is hard to believe that there would be no way forward for Maven in some

> On Thu, 28 Jun 2018 12:59:13 +0200, Václav Haisman <vhais...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi.
>> Is there any effort to make Maven Java 9 friendly and provide modules? I
>> have hit some issues when I was trying to compile a 3rd party Maven plugin
>> (nashorn-maven-plugin) as Java 9. When I tried to provide it with
>> module-info.java I got stuck on errors like this:
>> [ERROR] error: the unnamed module reads package org.apache.maven.plugin
>> from both maven.core and maven.plugin.api
>> [ERROR] error: module maven.plugin.annotations reads package
>> org.apache.maven.plugin from both maven.plugin.api and maven.core
>> [ERROR] error: module maven.plugin.api reads package
>> org.apache.maven.plugin from both maven.plugin.api and maven.core
>> [ERROR] error: module maven.model reads package org.apache.maven.plugin
>> from both maven.plugin.api and maven.core
>> [ERROR] error: module maven.core reads package org.apache.maven.plugin
>> from
>> both maven.plugin.api and maven.core
>> It seems to me that Maven would need some refactoring and Java package
>> namespace splitting to get it to play nicely with Java 9 modules.


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