The difference is that the first invocation is just simply wrong. When you call 
a mvn lifecycle phase it will run through all prior phases. If you specify 2 
lifecycle phase from the same lifecycle (the default cycle) .. you run through 
things twice.. 


mvn install 


initialize, .. validate ..  compile, .... install

mvn deploy


initialize, .. validate ..  compile, .... install deploy

So when you use

mvn install deploy 

you get

initialize, .. validate ..  compile, .... install .. initialize, .. validate .. 
 compile, .... install .. deploy

As you can see you duplicate a whole lot of stuff and that lead to confusing 
results and issues.

So .. just do that and learn more about Maven lifecycle phases and such.. 


Oliver B. Fischer wrote on 2018-09-17 14:53:

> Hi all,
> I stumbled on a strange problem with Maven. Therefore I would like to 
> know if the following commands should have the same result or not:
> 1. mvn clean install deploy
> 2. mvn clean deploy
> Best,
> Oliver
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