
As is probably obvious from my other questions, I'm currently setting up
a local repository manager (Apache Archiva in this instance) used to
deploy internal releases (things that won't make it to Central), and to
act as a proxy for Central for my local network.

Archiva appears to be set up correctly, I can log in to the admin
interface and upload artifacts via that without issue. However, I seem
to be unable to deploy via "mvn deploy". I'm using a profile to use the
repository manager conditionally, because *most* of the time I want to
deploy directly to Central. I don't want to add the address of the
repository manager to each project pom, because that information is
strictly internal. My ~/.m2/settings.xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <name>Example Releases</name>

When I call "mvn -P example-deploy", Maven correctly tries to deploy
via the https://packages.example.com/repository/example-releases/ repos
instead of Central, but it seems like it refuses to send a username and
password. I get a 401 error from Archiva. The Archiva logs mention:

2018-11-04 12:14:16,266 [qtp367589601-760] INFO  
org.apache.archiva.security.ArchivaServletAuthenticator [] - Authorization 
Denied [ip=,permission=archiva-upload-repository,repo=arc7-releases] : 
no matching permissions
2018-11-04 12:14:19,359 [qtp367589601-760] INFO  
org.apache.archiva.security.ArchivaServletAuthenticator [] - Authorization 
Denied [ip=,permission=archiva-upload-repository,repo=arc7-releases] : 
no matching permissions
2018-11-04 12:14:52,504 [qtp367589601-761] INFO  
org.apache.archiva.security.ArchivaServletAuthenticator [] - Authorization 
Denied [ip=,permission=archiva-upload-repository,repo=arc7-releases] : 
no matching permissions
2018-11-04 12:14:55,567 [qtp367589601-760] INFO  
org.apache.archiva.security.ArchivaServletAuthenticator [] - Authorization 
Denied [ip=,permission=archiva-upload-repository,repo=arc7-releases] : 
no matching permissions

Is there some way to verify that the username and password really is
(or isn't being sent)? Is there something I've set up incorrectly here?

I've had no problems to date deploying to Central, so I'm surprised
that I'm having problems here.

Just so we're clear: I'm deploying to /repository/example-releases, as
this is a repository that holds local releases, but I'm downloading
artifacts via /repository/releases as this is a repository group that
contains a proxy for Central.

Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com

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