The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Site Plugin, version 3.8.2.

Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 3.8.2

** Bug
* [MSITE-823] - Documentation says JDK 1.6 required, doxia dependency requires 1.7 * [MSITE-842] - $currentFileName and $alignedFileName are incorrect for Maven Report plugins that use several Sink instances

** Improvement
    * [MSITE-824] - Generate (X)HTML5 by default
* [MSITE-830] - Dependency upgrades related to identified security reports * [MSITE-836] - when a report mojo fails with a RuntimeException, let m-site-p plugin tell which report is failing
    * [MSITE-838] - Include support for confluence/docbook/twiki by default

** Dependency upgrade
    * [MSITE-758] - upgrade wagon-api from 1.0 to 3.3.1
    * [MSITE-839] - Upgrade to Maven Doxia (Sitetools) 1.9
    * [MSITE-841] - Upgrade to Maven Doxia Sitetools 1.9.1
    * [MSITE-843] - Update Jetty to 9.2.28
    * [MSITE-844] - Update requirement to Java 7


-The Apache Maven team

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