On 05.01.20 18:06, zahid wrote:

I can't honestly remember which application I was having this problem with.

Unfortunately this means I can't help here..

BUT all my applications are running fine without errors or warnings.
without a concrete example it's more or less impossible to help ...I
don't know what versions of Maven you exactly using, which dependencies,
which plugin versions, which JDK version etc. etc...

I found most of these kind of  *GOTCHAS* is to reset the mvn goals to
"clean install".

That is to say go to project -> properties  -> right click -> actions >
scroll through resetting the  execute goals.

Which project properties? Running in IDE? Sounds like you don't run on
plain command line? Have you checked so?...

Also do not change <default-config> on the top menu,

Which menu? In Maven there is no menu? ...

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

that will also cause different kind of warnings or errors.

You can change it to release-profile see what happens then change it
back again :)

Also some times you have errors and warnings  when you run by selecting
the double arrows. Then you have to "run file" by being in the java
class where the  "psvm" is   and right click -> "run file" . Then the
double arrow will run correctly after that.

On 05/01/2020 15:50, Karl Heinz Marbaise wrote:
On 03.01.20 18:57, zahid wrote:
what is the solution to solve this warning.

running form NETBEANS IDE.

module name from plexus-container-default-1.0-alpha-6.jar:
plexus.container.default: Invalid module name: 'default' is not a Java
Can't extract module name from
plexus-container-default-1.0-alpha-30.jar: plexus.container.default:
Invalid module name: 'default' is not a Java identifier
Some dependencies encountered issues while attempting to be resolved as
modules and will not be included in the classpath; you can change this
behavior via the 'includePathExceptionsInClasspath' configuration

Do you have a full working example of this? Best would be a GitHub

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise



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