In Apache ZooKeeper community we want to switch to using the "source
package" generated by the apache parent pom with the execution of

What is the *best* way to achieve these goals (without redefining the full
1) create a tar.gz file ?
2) use a custom file name

1) We have historically always distributed the sources in tar.gz format,
the ZIP file works well but if we keep the usual format we will give less
troubles to downstream consumers

2) Such execution is bound to the root project, that has "parent" as
artifact id, so the ZIP file name is like parent-3.6.0-sources.zip
I would like it to be apache-zookeeper-3.6.0.tar.gz

Any comment/help is appreciated.

My personal solution would be to create a separate execution with a copy
and paste of the Apache Parent POM, but if will it is not ideal


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