Kind of frustrating to not be shown my score at the end...

On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 1:01 PM Andres Almiray <> wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> If I can ask you for 15 minutes of your time, I've put of a 14 question pop
> quiz on dependency resolution. I'm hopeful that this quiz will let us
> realize a few things about the dependency resolution mechanism and its
> rules, perhaps address concerns in the future and make Maven better as a
> result.
> The quiz can be found at and is
> totally anonymous (no email address collected). Unless you feel like
> sharing your name ;-)
> Some preliminary numbers to this date:
>  - 3 people have 13 correct answers
>  - 3 people have 12correct answers
>  - 10 people have 11 correct answers
> The current median is 8. Some quick feedback left:
>  - pretty tricky, even for an almost 20 year maven dude. good job!
>  - I've never seen documentation on this
>  - Good food for thought. I guess I generally hope Maven does what I expect
> and when it doesn't, I start specifying more exactly what I want.
> Please feel free to share it with your colleagues and friends. More entries
> mean more data and better results. Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Andres
> -------------------------------------------
> Java Champion; Groovy Enthusiast
> --
> What goes up, must come down. Ask any system administrator.
> There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and
> those who don't.
> To understand recursion, we must first understand recursion.

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