I'm interested in that problem too. In the project below, we use
PlexusContainer to instantiate MavenProject class from pom file:

I hope there's a better way to achieve this.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 6:55 AM Andres Almiray <aalmi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm looking for a way to launch Maven programmatically in such a way that I
> can get access to fully resolved Model and MavenProject instances, and not
> just for a single project but also for all projects that belong to a
> Reactor.
> At first I used this code
> try {
>     FileReader reader = new FileReader(pom);
>     MavenXpp3Reader mavenReader = new MavenXpp3Reader();
>     return new MavenProject(mavenReader.read(reader));
> } catch (Exception e) {
>     throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
> }
> But of course that's not enough. Next I tried using the maven-model-builder
> APIs directly but not all references get resolved (such as parent POMs) as
> a custom ModelResolver is required and the default one is not intended to
> be used in standalone fashion.
> Ideally I would call some sort of embeddable Maven API that can give me the
> answers I seek, something like this
> MavenProject project = EmbeddableMaven.launch(propsOrFlags).file(pomFile);
> or alternatively something like
> MavenReactor reactor = EmbeddableMaven.launch(propsOrFlags).file(pomFile);
> for(MavenProject project : reactor.getProjects()) { /* do stuff */ }
> Of course I'm making up these types and method names as I do not know if
> something like this exist or not, hence why I'm asking here.
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers
> Andres


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