
I have a question about how I can see an artifact being taken. Let me
explain the situation.

This is more a question than a bug itself (I guess so)

I have two machines:

   - I build the same project https://github.com/kiegroup/appformer/ from
   both of them.
   - same maven version in both of them 3.5.2
   - same settings.xml in both of them
   - clean repository ~/.m2/repository in both of them
   - both of them show the same DEBUG informationThis is more a question
   than a bug itself (I guess so)

[DEBUG] Reading global settings from
[DEBUG] Reading user settings from /home/user/settings.xml
[DEBUG] Reading global toolchains from
[DEBUG] Reading user toolchains from /home/user/.m2/toolchains.xml
[DEBUG] Using local repository at /home/user/.m2/repository
[DEBUG] Using manager EnhancedLocalRepositoryManager with priority
10.0 for /home/user/.m2/repository

I run the command (-pl and -am to make the test faster) with OK in both of

/opt/tools/apache-maven-3.5.2/bin/mvn -s /home/user/settings.xml
-DskipTests clean install -pl :appformer-js -am

In the first machine:

   - the kie-parent and the rest of the artifacts are in the
   ~/.m2/repository folder (org/kie/kie-parent)

In the second machine:

   - the kie-parent IS NOT but some other artifacts in the ~/.m2/repository

so... my question is, *where should/can they be? How can I know where maven
is taking the kie-parent artifact from?*

Thanks a lot,

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