Sorry, I hope it is not against this group's etiquette to ping on a
question after several days of waiting for a reaction. Otherwise please
tell me and I will apologise and promise not to do it again.

Alexander Kriegisch

Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 01.07.2020 13:07 (GMT +07:00):

> Situation (sorry for maybe explaining too much):
>   -- I have a multi-module project with an aggregator POM which is
>      also the parent for all dependent modules.
>   -- The modules implement different byte code transformation
>      features.
>   -- In some modules I use Maven Shade in order build fat JARs which
>      can be used as Java agents.
>   -- Those Java agents add themselves to the bootstrap class path
>      during start-up, utilising the "Boot-Class-Path" manifest entry.
>      For that purpose, it is imperative that the Java agents are fat
>      JARs because their dependencies also need to be on the bootstrap
>      class path, because the byte code transformations can also target
>      other bootstrap classes. This works very well, I have no issues
>      with that.
>   -- Besides, I also build compound source JARs for the shaded JARs,
>      which also works nicely.
>   -- For each JAR I also build a variant with third-party classes
>      relocated to my own package name space, in case the user happens
>      to use the same dependencies and has problems due to API changes
>      which cannot be reconciled by dependency version management. Also
>      here, I build compound source files with relocated source
>      packages. This also works nicely.
> Problem description:
> I want users to be able to depend on the shaded agent JARs without
> pulling other dependencies into their projects because the agent JARs
> already contain all classes necessary to run them.
> But if I declare the dependencies as optional in the module using
> Maven Shade, dependent modules in my own project (e.g. integration
> test modules) no longer compile in IntelliJ IDEA. This is not a Maven
> problem, but still something I need to avoid for the sake of being
> able to use my IDE.
> As an alternative, I can urge the user to use something like this:
>   <dependency>
>     <groupId>xxx</groupId>
>     <artifactId>yyy</artifactId>
>     <excludes>
>       <excludes>
>         <groupId>*</groupId>
>         <artifactId>*</artifactId>
>       </exclude>
>     </exclude>
>   </dependency>
> This is not nice and I do not wish to burden my users with that.
> What I am currently doing is to use something like this in each module
> building shaded JARs:
>   <plugin>
>     <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
>     <artifactId>flatten-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>     <version>1.2.2</version>
>     <executions>
>       <!-- Remove shaded dependencies from uber JAR -->
>       <execution>
>         <id>flatten</id>
>         <phase>process-resources</phase>
>         <goals>
>           <goal>flatten</goal>
>         </goals>
>         <configuration>
>           <flattenMode>oss</flattenMode>
>           <pomElements>
>             <dependencies>remove</dependencies>
>           </pomElements>
>           <outputDirectory>${}</outputDirectory>
>           <flattenedPomFilename>flattened-pom.xml</flattenedPomFilename>
>         </configuration>
>       </execution>
>     </executions>
>   </plugin>
> This has the effect of creating a POM similar to the
> dependency-reduced POM created by Maven Shade and installing it
> together with the uber JAR artifact. Now the dependency graph looks
> "clean" to users of my libraries. I know it is not the Maven way of
> managin dependencies, but uber JARs with shaded dependencies exist in
> the real world and I explained at the beginning how/why they are
> useful in my case.
> BTW, IntelliJ IDEA still adds all dependencies to the classpath and
> excludes the uber JAR, trying to be smarter than Maven itself but
> getting it wrong. But that is not your problem, I can deal with that
> and provide the path to the uber JAR in another way to my integration
> tests. The most important thing is that Maven and IDEA do not see the
> dependencies when using the uber JARs from other project outside of my
> own multi-module project.
> Questions:
>   1. Is there any more canonical way of doing what I did, i.e.
>      directly using the dependency-reduced POM generated by Maven
>      Shade in order to replace the original JAR when installing my
>      artifact? Then I could get rid of the Flatten plugin (which also
>      removes other stuff and even empty lines from my POMs, making
>      them look horrible) and just use Shade.
>   2. Can I achieve a similar result in a better way altogether?
>   3. Does anyone even happen to know a way to make this work within my
>      multi-module project in connection with building and running
>      tests with IntelliJ IDEA? BTW, I also experimented with attaching
>      the shaded JARs to the original artifact with special
>      classifiers. This again works with Maven, but not in IDEA.
> Sorry for the lengthy post, thanks for bearing with me. I really
> wonder if I am the only one having this kind of problem because I
> found nothing useful on StackOverflow or doing a global web search.
> Maybe I did not use the right search terms.

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