What is the simplest way to specify a directory (and all jars underneath
this directory) to be in the maven classpath when it compiles .java classes
and builds a .jar?

The directory is not in my git repo or any directory under my IDE project

I have a requirement to create a pom.xml that will reference the current
project, and external jars in a /lib/ directory.

The requirement is to put together a pom.xml for a maven build that depends
on jars in:


I want to reference that location directly in the maven pom.xml file and
not copy the /lib/*.jar files to another directory under my git repo.

The .../WEB-INF/lib/ contains .jar files that contains classes that my
project imports.

The jar that is then built will be put into:
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/<web-context>/WEB-INF/lib/ to extend the product as
per the vendor instructions.

If anyone has had this exact issue, and has a reference pom.xml that can be
pasted here, it would be extremely helpful and get me going quickly.

Irrespective of the deployment part where I copy the jar to
/webapps/<web-context>/WEB-INF/lib/, I would be happy to just get files
under /src/com/.../.java/ compiled and put into a jar in the /target/

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