Thanks for digging, Delany. However, I am failing to see how this is
meant to solve my problem. Could you elaborate, please?
Alexander Kriegisch

Delany schrieb am 25.02.2022 18:05 (GMT +07:00):

> Alexander, here it is:
> Delany
> On Mon, 7 Feb 2022 at 08:17, Delany <> wrote:
>> Someone already wrote an "at end maven plugin". I used it for a while but
>> removed it. Can't for the life of me find it in
>> github/google/confluence/git log. Sorry!
>> Delany
>> On Mon, 7 Feb 2022 at 04:38, Alexander Kriegisch <>
>> wrote:
>>> >> In case you are ready to make you own plugin, it is relatively easy.
>>> I am not, Lasse. I also want this to work on the command line and not
>>> depend on CI-system-specific workarounds. But thank you for your
>>> insightful ideas, I really appreciate them.
>>> Tibor, actually I wanted to avoid a potentially lengthy debate on basic
>>> principles, but I agree on having one, if you feel it is necessary. I
>>> owe you that much, because it tells me that you are not taking design
>>> decisions lightly. So if I can contribute to your decision-making
>>> process, I shall humbly do so. Not being a Maven (plugin) developer
>>> myself, but rather a just user with a bit of background knowledge, I in
>>> fact did previously in this thread comment on the two famous '*AtEnd'
>>> precedence cases already:
>>> >>>> Install and Deploy plugins (...): 'installAtEnd' and 'deployAtEnd'
>>> >>>> are blessings IMO, and they are cornerstones of my work, because
>>> >>>> they help to avoid half-installed and - even worse - half-deployed
>>> >>>> multi-module projects which would lead to inconsistencies in
>>> >>>> repositories and might be hard to rectify in remote repositories,
>>> >>>> "burning" release numbers unnecessarily.
>>> The gist is: Those '*AtEnd' features have user value. If you say that
>>> they might be difficult to maintain and shield against side effects, I
>>> have to take your word for it. So we have a trade-off situation here,
>>> chances vs risks. As the person requesting such a feature, of course I
>>> have a chances bias. As a plugin maintainer, of course you take a more
>>> conservative or defensive stance. I understand that. In the end, it is
>>> your decision. Hopefully others here can contribute more substantially
>>> to the discussion than I can.
>>> --
>>> Alexander Kriegisch
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