Hi all,

I encountered a build issue recently that no one in the team has seen,
which I believe it's caused by multi-thread racing but I can't prove it tbh.

Maven version tested: 3.6.3 & 3.9.1
Java: open-jdk 11

Our project contains multiple modules and <modules> is declared in parent
pom. And let's say if A module depends on B module, then module B is not
explicitly added into the A's pom file.

When multi-thread is turned on (with parameter `-T 1C`,1 thread per core, Apple
M2 silicon), there is a high chance of compilation error (usually saying
class not found).  After turning off multi-threading, `mvn clean install`
is ok but still `mvn dependency:analyze` would always fail.

However, the issue is completely gone once I manually listed B as a
dependency in A's pom file. Note, the actual dependency graph is a bit
complicated so you can imagine there are multiple A-B, A-C, B-C etc pairs.

I have read the page regarding how reactor sorting works (
so it looks like our current project uses rule 5 only.

But here are the things I don't know for sure:
- if reactor sorting only uses rule5 only, does it mean the build order
would strictly follow the module declaring order in <modules>? If that's
the case, it seems the multi-thread race conditions shouldn't happen. Is my
understanding correct?
- How does dependency:analyze work? Is there documentation I can read? This
always fail and seems it's not related to the `-T 1C` parameter.
- What's the preferred way to manage multi-module dependencies? Is it
better to strictly declare them whenever using the dependencies (rule 1) or
this is no best practice but only different options?


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