A lot of libraries are not suitable for use with modulepath applications yet, 
like this one. I think using Maven modules with classpath (and optionally some 
ArchUnit rules to enforce some architectural rules about what can access what) 
is also a fine way to modularize a project.


> Op 21 apr. 2023, om 14:29 heeft Rodrigo Bourbon 
> <rbour...@salesforce.com.INVALID> het volgende geschreven:
> Hi Nils, you're right, the thing is that I'm working with the modulepath.
> I'm in the process of modularizing my project and I got stuck because of
> the mentioned issue.
> Rodrigo.
> On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 8:49 PM Nils Breunese <n...@breun.nl> wrote:
>> As far as I know this is only an issue on Java 9+ if you use a modulepath
>> instead of a classpath. I can use these dependencies just fine on Java 11
>> and 17.
>> Nils.
>>> Op 20 apr. 2023, om 18:50 heeft Rodrigo Bourbon 
>>> <rbour...@salesforce.com.INVALID>
>> het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi, I'm currently working with Java 11 and my project relies upon the
>>> maven-model <
>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/apache/maven/tree/master/maven-model__;!!DCbAVzZNrAf4!DqxxLDpCuG6lh3Bizi0rlaUY25z2uCURWafVjcsNusPvoBDjqZ2wffqnuPCkhvUtXFpx4hdQ5uf-DwU$
>>> and
>>> maven-model-builder
>>> <
>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/apache/maven/tree/master/maven-model-builder__;!!DCbAVzZNrAf4!DqxxLDpCuG6lh3Bizi0rlaUY25z2uCURWafVjcsNusPvoBDjqZ2wffqnuPCkhvUtXFpx4hdQlfSJuTc$
>>> artifacts.
>>> The problem is that both have the package org.apache.maven.model.merge,
>> hence
>>> giving a split package issue when compiling with Java 9+. Is there any
>> plan
>>> on being compatible with Java 9+ in the short term? What alternatives do
>>> you suggest?
>>> Thanks in advance, Rodrigo.
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