
I'm looking at this:

And see the code change introducing this warning:

+                LOGGER.warn(
+                        "Site model of '" + project.getId() + "' for "
+                                + (locale.equals(SiteTool.DEFAULT_LOCALE)
+                                        ? "default locale"
+                                        : "locale '" + locale + "'")
+                                + " is still using the old
pre-version 2.0.0 model. You MUST migrate to the new model as soon as
possible otherwise your build will break in the future!");

I have a project that is getting this warning, but I have no clue how
to address it. Is there a migration guide for Doxia for this? Or can
you explain to me how to address it? I imagine a number of people are
going to see this message, so a guide that people can easily find that
explains how to deal with it would be very helpful.

Thanks, Dave

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