
IF you target latest Maven 3.9.x (uses Sisu 0.9.0.M2), then:
- use max Java 17 bytecode
- use JSR330 instead of plexus annotations
- use org.eclipse.sisu.Priority annotation to override a component

IF you target Maven 3.8.x or so, similar, but use Java 11 bytecode max


On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 12:42 AM Francois-Xavier Bonnet <>

> Hey there,
> I am writing an extension that needs to replace the
> default ProjectDependenciesResolver with a custom one.
> According to the documentation I think I should be able to do it: "The
> mechanism allows extensions to either replace default Sisu components with
> custom ones or add new components which are used at run time."
> But I could not figure out how to do it or find any example.
> I have tried to create a new class like this:
> @Component(role = ProjectDependenciesResolver.class)
> public class CustomProjectDependencyResolver implements
> ProjectDependenciesResolver {
> ...
> }
> This did not work.

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