Hi Frank,

I agree with you that it is odd but the instability is calulated using (Ce / (Ce + Ca). Since it is not used in your project Ca => 0 and therefore you get 1 showing up as 100% instability

Having said that I would not put too much weight on the metrics of JDepend since it is simply bean counting ... :-)


Siegfried Goeschl

Frank Verbruggen wrote:

In my opinion it is very weird that the instability of a class that is solely dependent on the java core classes, but is not used in this project by other classes is 100%.

Think about it !

Java is not instable, every new release has backwards compatibility for the previous version.

In my company, we define projects for each abstraction layer.
This is common practice in the business where I work (financial coorporations).
But because my lowest layer is depended upon only by higher layers, there are no classes recognized which depend on my package.
But since it is dependant on java.lang (duh !)
I get instability 100% for my package.
This is redicilous, how can I circumvent this oddity ?

Frank Verbruggen Solidium Group B.V. Netherlands

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