On 6/15/05, Ryan Sonnek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> take a look at geronimo for a LARGE project using maven.

I haven't looked at geronimo's code, but sometimes large may not mean

For example I have a client who has a typical J2EE webapp + some
webstart thick clients.

One of these thick clients has two configurations. It's packaged as
the same jar, but depending on the parameters in the JNLP file, it
will trigger a different internal module.

Following maven's rule of one artifact per project, I've created 3
projects, one for the jar file, one for each of the 2 JNLP.

The JNLP plugin makes us put the properties in the project.properties
which cannot be inherited. So I end up with 2 very similar projects,
with the same dependencies, and almost the same project.properties.
Then I've got to merge these resulting artifacts inside the same
directory for deployment.

In that particular case, I find that maven (or the JNLP plugin) gets
in my way. It was much cleaner with Ant. Sometimes "best practise" and
productivity don't go hand in hand.



PS: if someone knows a clean solution to my issue...

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