2005/9/2, Jose Gonzalez Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi there,
> How do you use to manage your project version among releases? I
> mean... what do you exactly put in currentVersion in your pom and how
> do you change it among releases?
> I'm currently using the following approach:
> 1. Developing version 0.1 - currentVersion = 0.1-SNAPSHOT
> 2. V0.1 release: commit all pending changes, change currentVersion to
> 0.1, commit pom, tag/branch repository, make release.
> 3. Developing version 0.2 - change currentVersion to 0.2-SNAPSHOT,
> commit pom, update and continue developing
> What do you think about this? This approach has one annoying thing:
> maven tries to download SNAPSHOT versions from remote repositories,
> although they're only locally installed in the developer repository.
> After some timeout maven uses the local version, but in case of large
> projects the sum of the timeouts may be big. Do you use any other
> approach?
> Thanks in advance, best regards
> Jose

After re-reading some of the maven documentation it seems I'm
following the suggested approach (although manually, instead of using
the scm plugin)... anyway, is there any way to force maven to use the
local repository version of my own SNAPSHOT artifacts while still
downloading external dependencies?

Thanks in advance, best regards

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