Should get my environment back from Ivy (another cool product!) today so I will be in a position to recreate the problem.

On 14 Sep 2005, at 14:37, Mark Hobson wrote:

The tomcat goals don't currently bind themselves to the lifecycle, so
you have to invoke them explicity for them to run.  Only the deploy
and redeploy goals use the @execute phase="package" to ensure that the
lifecycle has been completed up to the package phase before execution.
 The other goals are standalone and don't require the project in any

This means that a tomcat:deploy will perform an implicit "m2 package"
before deploying the war, thus ensuring the latest codebase is
deployed.  I'd be interested in what problems you had in order for you
to modify the annotations?  Were you running the plugin with alpha-3
or beta-1?


On 14/09/05, Ashley Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Don't recall the tomcat exception (went away when I rebuild "@execute
phase" to "@phase") and don't mind waiting for binary + better docs.

However I do try to shoehorn a few things after the install task such
as deploying a webapp to tomcat. So is this a summary of the build

compile......package......install....[ANYTHING GOES]

That's fine if it is but I just want to make sure I'm making full use
of the lifecycle.


On 14 Sep 2005, at 13:16, Mark Hobson wrote:

Hi Ashley,

I would see the advantages of using a Maven-specific plugin rather
than an ant-based one as being:

* Reuse of ant targets - not having to specify repeated ant tasks over many POMs (one of the main reasons for the existence of Maven itself)

* Tighter integration with the Maven build process - Maven plugins can
reuse POM and other plugin configuration themselves, whereas an
antrun-based alternative would have to repeatedly configure it's tasks

* Minimal configuration required (as a result of the above)

* No ant dependencies or ant-based exceptions

What problems were you having with the tomcat plugin? I'm using it on
a daily basis and have no issues.  Admittedly some online
documentation would help, but I think the guys will
be setting up deployed sites and binaries soon.



On 14/09/05, Ashley Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm currently trying to autodeploy my webapp to tomcat at the end of
my m2 install, and as far as I can tell there are two ways of doing

1. Use the maven tomcat plugin beta. I tried this and had a devil of a time trying to get it to work - not familiar with it, immature code
2. Use the tomcat ant task. I believe there has been talk here about
the maven ant plugin which would enable me to just call the more
mature ant task that I already know.

So I suppose the question is more general: why would I ever use
custom maven plugins when I can just call the familiar ant equivalent
from within Maven? I'm believe I understand the benefits of the
transitive library dependencies and the built in build lifecycle but I don't have a clear idea in my mind when it comes to how best to use
and write plugins.


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