On 8/17/06, Max Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I, too, have been anxiously awaiting hierarchical project support in
Eclipse. And I thought that it was going to be available in Eclipse 3.2.

But this feature was omitted from the Eclipse 3.2 release. The feature
is not available yet.

You can do it, I was able to manually create another project pointing
to one that was already in the workspace and a subdirectory of that


- module1
- module2

I was able to have in Eclipse a project for "project_root" as well as
create one manually for module1 and module2 so that they appear in the
project list.

But I can't figure out what Eclipse does under the covers for that,
there are no docs that I could find in the help or googling, and I
can't see in the source code of the eclipse:eclipse plugin whether it
is attempting to do this.

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