Question: How can I get Maven to deploy version-less SNAPSHOT files to
our SNAPSHOT repository?

It appears to me as if the "mvn deploy" command on a SNAPSHOT version
does only deploy numbered snapshot files, but not unnumbered ones. The
"mvn install" command in contrary puts an unnumbered SNAPSHOT file in my
local repository.

- I get i18n-4.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in my local repository with mvn install
- I get i18n-4.0.0-20060811.001428-3.jar in my configured SNAPSHOT

What I would like to have is an unnumbered (i18n-4.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar) jar
file in our company SNAPSHOT server in addition to the numbered one.

Is there a way to convince Maven to deploy an unnumbered jar file into
the SNAPSHOT repository?

Thanks in advance for any hint or help.


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