Another thought - the guide here talks about using private fields for mojo
configuration - i noticed that yours is protected.  It specifically mentions
that setters can be used in place of private fields, but makes no mention of
protected fields.  Now, while it would make sense to me that the protected
field should work, it might be something worth trying...

On 8/31/06, Ovidio Mallo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Alexis,

you may try with

   @parameter expression="${excludes}"

in the annotation of your array. I can't test it right now, but I
guess this should work.


Alexis Midon wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm currently writting a custom plugin, but I've got a problem with the
> parameter settings.
> Here is it:
> My plugin declares a String array as follow:
>    /**
>     * The collection of exclude patterns to be applied on the
> sourceDirectory
>     *
>     * @parameter
>     */
>    protected String[] excludes;
> In the pom file I add the following tag:
>                    <execution>
> ...
>                        <configuration>
> ...
>                            <excludes>
>                                <exclude>*.jar</exclude>
>                                <exclude>**/.foo</exclude>
>                            </excludes>
>                        </configuration>
>                    </execution>
> Unfortunately the String array remains null :(
> Where's the hell is the bug please?!
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> Alexis

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