I try to use the finalName in my parent pom as following:
   <finalName>${artifactId}</finalName> (without the version number)

If I run maven from the parent pom everything works fine: all my artifacts are generated without the version number. and also the classpath entry of the manifest.mf file is correctly set.
For instance I get :
   --- A module
   --- B module (with a dependency on A)

So it generates B.jar with a Manifest containning "ClassPath: A.Jar"

Now If I run maven from B module it generates a B.jar but with a manifest containing "ClassPath: A-1.2.1.Jar" for instance.

I get exactly the same behaviour with an EAR module that generate the application.xml => module are not generated with the correct name... If I run maven from the parent pom then the application.xml is generated correctly

Did I miss something ?


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