I am getting "Unable to execute javadoc command" errors while running
mvn site on my project. I have maven 2.0.4 and javadoc plugin 2.1.
The error happens in one of the modules only. The projects parent pom
includes cobertura, surefire, and javadoc reporting. When I run maven
with -Dmaven.test.skip=true mvn site runs fine without any javadoc
error. I have run maven with -X and -e options to determine the cause of
the exception. However, the stack trace isn't helpful. 
The root cause is an InterruptedException on the process input stream in
plexus's command line util package. The svn source does not match the
stacktrace line numbers anymore. I have manually run the javadoc tool on
the module's source and it ran without errors, there were some warnings
message. However, I don't believe they would cause the plugin error.
How do I  turn off the javadoc  plugin for that module only, and still
invoke it in the other modules. The project's parent pom is shared by
other projects and I don't wish to disable javadoc for any other

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