Found out there is a "filtered" and a "encoding" attribute on the resource tag. Had to read through the source code though.

Michael Schlotfeldt wrote:
Easy questions (hopefully):

   1. When creating a custom archetype how do you list resources to
      *not *replace variables from? Or in other words not modify
      instances of "${blah}". It would be nice to not only be able to
      escape individual instances in a file but also files completely
      for things like images.
   2. Why the different tags? Or in other words why not just have
      "<resources>"? What does "<testResources>" do differently? You
      still need to write the entire relative path.
   3. Why must all resources be list in archetype.xml? What is the
      purpose? When would you not list a file?

Thank you for all the help.

Also there is an error on:

About half way down tags are listed with hyphens instead of capitals between words (eg. "test-resources" instead of "testResources").

Once again, thanks!
- Michael

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