I found a method that /half-way /seems to work. If you put a "\" in-front of an expression it is not processed. But the problem is that the "\" is not removed after processing of the document. I would suggest a modification be made to the archetype plugin that removes one "\" before any "${blah}" after processing. Thoughts and other ideas? I know only a little about the archetype plugin and velocity so there may be better options.


Wendy Smoak wrote:
On 11/21/06, Michael Schlotfeldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Found out there is a "filtered" and a "encoding" attribute on the resource
tag. Had to read through the source code though.

This still doesn't address the problem of filtering some, but not all,
expressions in a file, right?

Has anyone found a way to "escape" expressions in Velocity, so it will
pass them through?

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