Just as an idea, try going to the user account that you build under's .m2
directory (${user.dir}/.m2) and delete the plugin-registry.xml file, and
re-run. It might be causing you some problems.


On 11/20/06, Thomas Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We've got an inhouse mirror of the central repository
(MyCompanyCentral). We also publish a company-specific
maven-plugin to that same repository.

We face the problem that the latest version of our
plugin is not downloaded to the local maven
repository, if there is already an old version, even
not after several days.
We also tried with
and <updatePolicy>always</updatePolicy>
but no success.

It only worked when we deleted the old local versions,

or when we run maven with the -U parameter.

Should this basically work?
Any idea what we might do wrong?

We use this settings.xml:


      <name>MyCompany Central Repository</name>

          <name>MyCompany Central Repository</name>

          <name>MyCompany Snapshot Repository</name>



Thanks, Tom

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Eric Redmond

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