Sorry - I made a mistake - the scenario documented below should've read :

If I change only files in the project C (and make no changes whatsoever to any files in B).

Dhananjay Nene wrote:
The current maven release behaviour seems to force me to release a sub-project and increment its version number even if there is no code change done whatsover for the project.

I have a parent project (say A) with child projects (say B and C). The pom for A lists B and C as modules. Let us assume that each of them has been released with a 1.1 version.

<statement-in-error>If I change only files in the project B (and make no changes whatsoever to any files in C)</statement-in-error>, I would like the subsequent release numbers for A and C to be incremented to 1.2 and B to stay at 1.1. Can someone help how to achieve that ?

Things I tried and did not work :
(a) Changed the pom.xml in B to use version number 1.1 instead of 1.2-SNAPSHOT (which was what it got incremented to when the earlier release was performed). (b) Made the "next" version number for B when releasing 1.1-SNAPSHOT to be 1.2 instead of 1.2-SNAPSHOT (the latter is the default value)
(c) Trying to first do a release for C and then for A
(d) Explicitly documenting the dependency in A's 1.2-SNAPSHOT pom.xml onto B as "1.1" and not "1.2-SNAPSHOT"

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