Hi all,


I'm having a problem concerning the codehaus buildNumber plugin for



I'm working an a project with a few collegues.

Our code is being managed by Subversion.

We use Maven to maintain the project.


Here's a description of the problem:


When I want to build the eclipse files for the project with
eclipse:eclipse, I get a fatal error.

In the command window logs I can see that the Subversion buildNumber
equals null, so a NullPointerException is being thrown.

I can't figure out why this happens when I'm building the eclipse
project files.


Here's the content of my pom regarding the buildNumber plugin:












































                        <name>TLC Repository</name>





So the odd thing is, if I check out all the code from the Subversion
repository, and run eclipse:eclipse all works fine on my workstation.

I tried this on someone else his workstation, and it failed. The
buildNumber could not be retrieved.

And on a third workstation, it also succeeded.


Is there anyone who has an idea what the problem could be ?


Thx in advance.



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